Does God Really Love Us? What Does the Bible Say?

Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash
Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

With all the turmoil and conflict that our world is experiencing right now, some people are asking whether God really loves humanity, or He is fed up with all our wickedness and rebellion. Has He given up on us? Or does He still show His love for everyone?

If we read the Bible, we will understand that God’s love for us is unconditional. It means there is absolutely nothing in us that made God love us. He chose to love us because it is His nature to love – for God is love. If we did not do anything to deserve God’s love, then it is also not up to us whether God would stop loving us or not.

The only thing hindering God from fully showing His care for mankind is mankind’s sin and unbelief. What does the Bible say about His unconditional love?

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