“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” JOHN 14:12
Today’s daily bread taken from the scripture is one of the most encouraging words from the Lord Jesus Christ himself to all of us who believe in Him, desires His will, and does His works here on Earth. Living a Christian life is never easy, we are not exempted in life’s trials and oppression brought by the fall of men, but as God’s children, amid all these, we see the goodness of God that empowers us to do greater things for Him as one body of Christ.
A simple act of kindness to everyone around you means you are allowing others to experience the kindness of God, and so the Lord is magnified. Our creative ways of using platforms such as these, sharing the word of God through social media means the word of God reaching those who needs to hear, and so the Lord is magnified. Your service to God through singing, dancing, organizing, speaking and even being an encourager, makes a great impact to the lives of others.
Be encouraged that what you do, no matter the space and sphere, you are doing great! For it is the Lord that empowers you and I to do greater works for the Lord. Let this uplift you to continue doing the things you do for the Lord. It is also our hope and prayer that a great work such as this, will touch the one who reads that longs for the love of God, the beginning of the path of doing greater and fulfilling things for God.