Don’t Doubt God

James 1:6 

“But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt…”

The epistle of James is unique.

Through the letter, we can see apostle James’ character. His words are strict, yet further insight reveals his humility and absolute reliance on God’s grace. James was a man of prayer.

Chapter 1 talks about trials and temptation.  I think James wrote this letter to the 12 tribes to encourage them to have stronger faith in God, so they can overcome their sufferings in various persecutions.  James wanted them to stand firm in trials, hoping for them to be mature in faith.

 “When you ask, you must believe and not doubt.”  

Doubt brings worry, anxiety, disbelief, and especially fear. These complex emotions shake our faith severely, like waves of the sea. The inward fear blocks the power of faith, a disturbance that actually comes from Satan.

So James exhorted the believers to pray with absolute faith and receive the answer from the Lord.

This is the attitude I should learn. Right now, I am training myself to be a faithful person of prayer before God.  I must pray for my prayer topics until the end, until it is achieved.

Bible Portal Staff


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