Don’t Let Your Past Define You: Here are Bible Verses That Prove It 

There is no escaping your past. It’s always with you, a part of who you are. And while some things from your past may be painful or embarrassing, they are also what make you unique.

Your past is a part of God’s story for you. He has been with you every step of the way, guiding and protecting you. Even the hard times have a purpose, and the Lord can use them to make you stronger and more compassionate.

Don’t be afraid to lean on God as you journey through your past. He knows everything about it and He wants to use it to help you grow. The Lord is there for you, ready to help and guide you every step of the way. He can take your past mistakes and turn them into something beautiful.

When you feel like your past is too shameful or embarrassing to share with God, remember that He loves you and wants to help you through it. He has the power to forgive any sin and to heal any wound. Bring your past to Him and allow Him to work in your life.

These reassuring bible verses will help you open up to the Lord more.

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