Everything Will Work Well – Romans 8:28

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

For what it’s worth, there are many times that we are always doubting the plans of God and His Will towards our lives. We are more focused on what we think is the best for us that we don’t even desire His plans anymore. The reason why we are not confident about our future is that we base our future on our own plans or our detailed desires of what we will be. Now, as we reflect on our verse today, we will be able to know that the plans of God are really perfect and the best for us. 

Paul pointed out in his letter that God works for the good of all the people who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. We have to really reflect on this and understand that God is indeed for His people. He is not against us, but He is for us. However, we need to understand what Paul meant to this when he particularly pointed out, “God’s people”. Paul did not just mean anyone, but only those people who believed in Christ as their Lord and Savior. How do we become God’s people? What should we do to be called children of God? Many verses show how we will become the people of God or be called the children of God. 

As John 1:12 says, we will have the right to be called the children of God, if we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. Now, let us go back to our verse today, Paul actually said two requirements for this verse for us to note. The first one was what we learned earlier that we have to be the people of God. Not just merely people living here in the world, but to be the people of God. We can be people of anything. We can be people of this world or people of God. What we are called to be what kind of people shows who our master is. So, Paul particularly said that in all things, God works for those who love Him. So, the second one is that we have to be the people who love God. 

Only those who love God will be called to His good works and that loving God won’t be possible if we are not His people. Thus, we can really say that Paul did not actually give us two requirements, but he mentioned two things that won’t stand without the other. As we know, we cannot love God if we do not recognize and acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior. We cannot love God if we hate His commands. Therefore, we cannot also say that we are the people of God if we don’t love Him and follow Him. So, as people of God who love Him, we have this confidence that God works for our good. We are called according to His purpose, so He will always be there for us. 

Again, He is for us and we can have this verse as a reassurance that our God is not a God of empty promises, but He is the God who fulfills promises. So, let us always remember to continue serving God, following Him, and loving Him as our Lord and Savior because we know now that whatever we are facing right now, everything will work well for God has promised us that. Let us continue to spread His Word, let us continue to obey Him, and let us continue to manifest Christ’s love through our lives. May the grace of God be with us always as we claim to be the people of God who love Him and are called out for His purpose. Indeed, in all things, God works for the good of us, who are called for His purpose.

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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