Fasting other than food: Dedication to your faith

Fasting, in the Christian context, is more than an empty stomach. It is a deliberate act that echoes through biblical foundations, shaping the very core of your spirituality. 

As a Christian, you are not just skipping meals. You are embarking on a journey that intertwines your daily choices with the sacred teachings that guide your faith.

In this article, we will explore the layers of meaning behind fasting and offer you ways to fast aside from choosing which food not to eat.

A page about fasting. (Photo by Tim Wildsmith from Unsplash)

Fasting practices

The roots of fasting run deep in the Old Testament. 

Moses, for instance, spent forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai in the presence of God, receiving the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28). During this period, Moses abstained from food and drink. He dedicated himself to communion with the divine.

Transitioning into the New Testament, you encounter the teachings of Jesus. His words on fasting are not merely directives. They are practical insights into the spiritual significance of this practice.

For instance, Jesus addresses fasting in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 6:16-18). In this passage, Jesus speaks about the importance of sincerity and humility in fasting. He advises against making a public show of fasting to gain approval or admiration from others. Instead, Jesus encourages a private and humble approach. He emphasizes the personal nature of the relationship between the individual and God during fasting.

The specific words of Jesus highlight not only the act of fasting but also the attitude behind it.

In your modern Christian journey, on the other hand, you typically encounter fasting during Lent.

The echoes of this practice reach back through centuries. It connects you to a historical and spiritual chain of believers who found profound meaning in the intentional act of abstaining.

The act of fasting during this season is a deliberate step toward spiritual renewal. It is a conscious choice to create space in your life, allowing your faith to take center stage. By refraining from certain comforts, you are making room for introspection, prayer, and a deeper connection with your spiritual journey

Lenten fasting is not merely about what you give up. It is about what you gain in terms of spiritual insight and growth.

However, this practice is not limited during Lent. You can fast any day of your life, so as long as you feel you want to reconnect with your faith or maintain your dedication to it.

Spiritual journey

The preceding section provides a glimpse into the spiritual journey of fasting, drawing inspiration from historical roots and biblical examples. However, let us delve into more specific aspects of this transformative journey.

Deepening the relationship with God

In those moments of intentional self-denial, you create space for prayer, reflection, and a heightened awareness of the divine presence. Fasting becomes a conversation with the Almighty, a sacred dialogue where you open your heart as you seek to understand and strengthen the bond that defines your faith.

Reflecting on Christ’s sacrifice

The journey of fasting aligns with a profound reflection on Christ’s sacrifice. It is not merely about feeling hunger. It is about willingly embracing a temporary discomfort to draw closer to the sacrificial love demonstrated on the cross. In these moments of self-discipline, you mirror, in a small yet meaningful way, the ultimate sacrifice made for you.

Repentance and self-examination

It is more than a physical discipline—it becomes a transformative tool for repentance and self-examination. When you willingly deny yourself, you create space to evaluate your actions, thoughts, and intentions. Fasting becomes a mirror, revealing areas in need of growth and redirection.

A wooden sculpture of Christ’s crucifixion. (Photo by Rui Silva sj from Unsplash)

Ways to fast other than food

Fasting extends beyond mere dietary restrictions. It encompasses a deliberate withdrawal from the noise of daily life, a pause from the constant chatter of distractions that often drown out our inner reflections. That said, here are some ways to fast other than food.


Consider the impact of temporarily disconnecting from the constant stream of television. By choosing to fast from TV, you create a space for quieter moments. In turn, you are allowing your mind to be free from external noise. It is an intentional step towards a more focused and purposeful use of your time. It redirects your attention to the things that matter most in your spiritual journey.

Social media

In the realm of modern connectivity, fasting takes on a digital dimension. Imagine the freedom that comes from temporarily stepping away from the constant buzz of social media. By fasting from social media platforms that often vie for your attention, you open up room for genuine human connection and meaningful conversations.

Secular music

Consider replacing secular tunes with the timeless beauty of Christian hymns. Embracing these melodies brings a different kind of harmony into your life—one that resonates with the deeper rhythms of your spiritual journey.

Gossip or idle conversation

By choosing to fast from words that may harm or distract you, you create a space for more meaningful communication. This intentional pause allows you to build relationships based on respect and understanding. Also, it fosters an environment where your words reflect the love and grace central to your Christian journey.

Physical intimacy

Fasting from physical intimacy is investing in the roots of your relationships, ensuring they run deep and strong. It becomes a journey of discovery, exploring the richness of emotional connection and building foundations that stand resilient in the face of life’s challenges. This intentional pause is a reminder that relationships are not just about the physical. They are also about the intricate interplay of emotions and the shared journey of two hearts.

Unnecessarily spending money

Consider the impact of fasting from unnecessary spending in your daily life. As a Christian, this choice reflects a commitment to mindful stewardship of resources. By curbing impulsive expenditures, you create room for a more intentional and responsible use of your finances. Fasting from unnecessary spending is a tangible way to align your lifestyle with the principles of simplicity and gratitude. Moreover, it enhances your financial stewardship in line with your faith.

Bad habits

Beyond tangible actions, the spiritual journey also involves fasting from detrimental habits. Whether it is procrastination, negativity, or any behavior hindering your personal growth, choosing to fast from these habits is a transformative step. So, break free from patterns that may distance you from your spiritual goals. Foster a lifestyle that reflects the positive values embedded in your faith.

A woman focused on her phone screen. (Photo by Becca Tapert from Unsplash)

Challenges and overcoming them

As you embark on the journey of fasting, you will soon realize that it is not a walk in the park. It is a challenge, a test of your willpower and commitment to your faith. 

One of the primary hurdles is the ingrained nature of vices.

Vices often become a part of our daily routines and coping mechanisms. Giving them up, even temporarily, can seem like stepping into uncharted territory. The comfort they provide can create a void. In turn, this leaves you vulnerable to doubt and temptation.

Overcoming these challenges begins with acknowledging the power these vices hold over you. It is about recognizing their presence in your life and understanding the negative impact they have on your spiritual journey. This self-awareness becomes the first step toward breaking free from their grip. 

Another crucial aspect is filling the void left by these vices with positive alternatives. Engage in activities that uplift your spirit and align with your Christian values. Whether it is spending time in prayer, immersing yourself in scripture, or participating in community service, redirecting your focus helps reinforce the purpose of your fast.

Moreover, remember that the fasting journey is not a solitary path but a communal experience. Envelop yourself in the embrace of a supportive Christian community that comprehends the nuances of your journey. Share your triumphs and struggles. Create a space for encouragement and the exchange of shared wisdom.

Two men who seem to be praying. (Photo by Sam Balye from Unsplash)

Dedication to faith

Reflecting on the spiritual benefits of Christian fasting reveals a path to strengthen your connection with your faith. The invitation to explore fasting is more than a call to abstain from food; it is an opportunity for you to deepen your comprehension and dedication to Christianity.

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Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Fasting other than food: Dedication to your faith.

By Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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