Finding My Isaac – Genesis 22:1-14

Genesis 22:1-14

“Who/What is Isaac of my life?” When we listen to the story of Abraham being tested by God, we always get this question. Most people will say, “I do not have Isaac, I only worship the Lord.” But do we really don’t have Isaac and know exactly what our Isaac is? Or do we just get behind our own will’s excuses and hide our honest Isaac?  

Isaac was given to Abraham according to the promise of God. By Abraham’s own reasoning, he must have thought that raising Isaac well was following God’s command and doing good for God, and he could have asked Him back. Because Isaac was also born by God’s great mercy and will. Likewise, we might be lying to ourselves and God about what our Isaac is, thinking, that my Isaac is to glorify God and I’m doing it under God’s guidance and protection. But what do you seek first? When are you happy the most? Is it God or your Isaac? We must seriously think about it and offer our true Isaac to God. God is asking to give Isaac to Him as a burnt offering. Obedience is better than sacrifice. We must truly recognize our Isaac and acknowledge that it has been my master over God, and repent. Then the true relationship between God and me can begin. 

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Nothing should be loved more than God, otherwise, it would be worshipping idols. Although God has allowed me Isaac, we must be able to obey God’s voice at any time, under any circumstances, emptying ourselves and living like the wind. For sure, it must be heartbreaking. But we should inherit the spirit of Abraham, that the One who gave me Isaac is God, so the One who takes away Isaac from me is also God at any time he wills. 

Through this, what did Abraham show to God? Not only his faith in God but his love and the only priority of his life. Knowing the love of God should first take place before loving Isaac God gives us. As in Matthew 6, “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all things will be given to you as well. When we truly love God first and have absolute faith in the predestination of the Good Shepherd, He will surely allow us Isaac plus a ram.       

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