Finding the Purpose in the NO’s

“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”  Job 42:2

In today’s scripture, we look at one of Job’s declaration by honoring the authority of the Lord that He indeed can do all things and the ultimate purposes of the Lord will always prevail. Job suffered so much pain in his life, that can even be unbearable for some. If we take a look at Job’s life, he was a righteous man, yet went through series of grief and suffering. Although, this suffering came from the devil who asked and challenged God if he can touch Job, in which God allowed, yet in the end, God prevailed by restoring the life of Job even so much better than what we had before. For Job, it was through that suffering that humbled him, realized his self-righteousness and placed his total dependency on God that despite of what he went through, the discouraging responses from his friends, Job find it in the end that there is a purpose in his suffering.

Who wouldn’t be hurt by disappointments, who wouldn’t be discouraged in down moments, who wouldn’t be in despair in suffering, all of these emotions are our natural response to the no’s  we received. But relating to Job, we learn that every “no” is a way to a better path, that these detours may serve as God’s protection from us, at times, the no’s can draw near closer to us to know His love and that He can make all things turn out differently for our benefit and most of all, for His purposes.

In the season of a no – an unanswered request, a rejection or in closed doors, may you be encouraged to press on, knowing that the no’s we are experiencing will produce a wonderful fruit in our lives and as we trust the Lord, we will find out its wonderful purposes and look back and thank the Lord for the detours.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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