Formed in God’s Story: Book of Revelation

Fascinated, or frightened? What are your feelings about the Bible’s final book?

Can we read it without interpretative methods dividing us into Futurists, Preterists, Historicists, and Idealists? Piecing together John’s visions of Armageddon, Babylon, and the Millennium has tended to divide us.

But asking “When is this book about?” may be the wrong question. Asking “Who is this book about?” may be more productive. If Scripture is the revelation of God, what does the final book reveal about God?

In October/November 2024, we’re running six sessions at Riverview Church. Notes for each week will be available here ahead of time, with podcasts afterwards. If you happen to be in Perth (Western Australia), you can join us each Wednesday evening (7–9 pm). Either way, it’s free.

So who is this book about?

  • Rev. 1–3: The one who speaks (9 Oct). Notes (week 1). [Podcasts to follow.]
  • Rev. 4–7: The one who reigns (16 Oct).
  • Rev. 8–11: The one who overturns rebellion (23 Oct)
  • Rev. 12–15: The one who saves from slavery (30 Oct)
  • Rev. 16–19: The one whose leadership lasts (6 Nov)
  • Rev. 20–22: The one who renews everything (13 Oct)

It starts with the Lord and his people (Rev. 1–3), and it ends with the Lord and his people united as God intended in the beginning (Rev. 20–22).

In the middle, John sees the saving drama unfolding in heaven (Rev. 4–11), and the saving drama playing out on earth (Rev. 12–19).

Within that framework, John’s visions arrive in sevens with interludes. The change of camera angle (from heaven to earth) occurs as John his recommissioned at the centre of the book.

The salvation story is the heart of Scripture. What God began with one nation in the Exodus, God is doing for all the peoples of the earth in Christ. In recording his visions, John incorporated phrases from Scripture in almost every sentence so we too could see what he saw: the Law and the Prophets finding fulfilment in God’s Christ, the King of kings.

For those attending in Perth, there’ll be a follow-up evening (20 November) for questions. There’ll be no notes or podcasts for this session. The sermons at Riverview Church in October/November 2024 will also cover themes from Revelation, accessible through their YouTube channel.

Blessing on all who read the words of this final book from God, on those who hear and take it to heart.

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Formed in God’s Story: Book of Revelation.

By Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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