Give Us Today Our Daily Bread

Matthew 6:11 Give us today our daily bread.

Jesus teaches that we pray for the glory of the name of God and pray for the kingdom of God first, then we should pray for our daily bread, this kind of teaching is very honest and upright. The daily bread symbolizes the money, the material needs. The kingdom of God has this kind of need in its expansion, and the daily bread needs to be guaranteed. We are not just praying for our own needs, but with a sincere heart, we want to feed others, feed the hungry.  

Our life model needs to be changed, from having model to giving model. If we want to give, our life needs to be full, it does not mean we need to have a lot. The Lord is rich but becomes poor for us. Compared with owning many things, we need to live with the attitude of giving many.

There is a friend who asks for three loaves of bread for his friend at midnight.(Luke 11:5-8) It is not easy to do in this way. He can refuse to do so for many reasons. But he did it. He asked for the bread with a sincere heart. This is his love towards his friends. 

Jesus called us as his friends, he loves us so much even died for us on the cross. The Lord gave us the great commission, if we love Lord Jesus, we need to take care of his sheep, not just live for our own needs, but give what we have to be used in God’s kingdom and the history of salvation, and pray for the need of God’s kingdom in its expansion.


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