Giving up: Signs you should surrender to God’s plan

In life, there are moments when you find yourself tirelessly pursuing a dream, only to stumble again and again. It’s akin to pursuing a mirage. Each effort feels like grasping at fleeting shadows. In this case, you hang on to the encouraging quote, “One day, you will thank yourself for not giving up.” 

Yet, in the relentless pursuit of a goal, there comes a pause when you question: 

When is it the right time to give up?

As you navigate the twists and turns of your aspirations, there is an underlying truth – the concept of surrendering to God’s plan. It is not about admitting defeat. Rather, it is about discerning when the path you are on might not align with the greater design that God has crafted for your life. 

In this article, we will explore the delicate balance between perseverance and acknowledging that sometimes, what you seek may not be what you are meant to find. We will be exploring signs that God’s will is not aligning with your own and steps to transition to His path.

A woman placing her hands in surrender to the cross. (Photo by Jametlene Reskp from Unsplash)

God’s will

Scriptures resound with the notion of God’s absolute sovereignty over our lives. The verses remind you that your path is crafted by a God who sees the entirety of your journey. These words urge you to trust in the divine orchestration of your life.

Take Abraham and Isaac, for example. 

Abraham’s surrender was marked by his readiness to take a significant leap of faith. When God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac, it was an enormous ask. It seemingly conflicted with the very promise God had given him about descendants through Isaac. Despite this apparent contradiction, Abraham chose to trust God’s plan, showing surrender in his actions.

Isaac’s surrender, on the other hand, was seen in his willingness to go along with his father, Abraham.

Abraham and Isaac were not giving up on their beliefs or abandoning their faith. Rather, they were relinquishing control over their plans to embrace God’s higher purpose. It reminds us that surrendering doesn’t necessarily mean giving up. It is about yielding to a divine plan, even when it challenges our understanding or seems counterintuitive.

In their surrender, Abraham and Isaac found a deeper trust in God’s providence. Their experience emphasizes that true surrender leads to a greater purpose beyond our immediate comprehension.

An open Bible. (Photo by Timothy Eberly from Unsplash)

Signs you should let go

In life, you encounter signs that it is time to let go and yield to God’s will, even when it conflicts with your desires. But like Abraham and Isaac, how will you know you should give up the flow of your life to him?

Well, you can look for the following signs. 

Persistent closed doors

One unmistakable sign is the presence of persistent closed doors. You need to learn to recognize when these doors are closing for a reason. It is not always easy, as you might be inclined to push against them, driven by your ambitions. Yet, God often uses closed doors to redirect your path. 

For instance, consider a job opportunity you passionately pursued, only to face repeated rejections. Instead of persisting in resistance, it may be time to acknowledge that God is guiding you elsewhere. Perhaps, He is leading you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful career.

Exhausting too much energy not worth of the reward

Reflect on the energy you invest in resisting the divine path in favor of your desires. It is a struggle that many face, pouring time and effort into pursuits that might not be worth the ultimate reward.


Resisting God’s will may not only be physically exhausting but also hinder your personal growth. Consider instances where you clung to situations or relationships that, deep down, did not foster your well-being. In such cases, acknowledge that the pursuit of your path may trap you in stagnation.

You trample on others

Pursuing your path might inadvertently push you to trample on those around you. Reflect on moments when your relentless pursuit of personal goals led you to overlook the needs and feelings of others. Recognizing this tendency as a sign can guide you towards a more compassionate and considerate approach aligned with God’s will.

Lack of enjoyment

When the process of reaching your goals becomes a joyless process, it may be a sign that your current path is not aligned with God’s greater plan for you. Imagine persisting in a career or project only to reach the end without deriving genuine satisfaction from the journey. This lack of enjoyment serves as a clear signal that it’s time to reevaluate your direction and consider embracing God’s will for a more purposeful and fulfilling path.

Absence of peace 

Consider the role of peace as a compass in discerning God’s will. It is not just a fleeting emotion. It is a steady presence that accompanies you when you align with God’s purpose. 

Reflect on instances when the absence of peace signaled a deviation from His path, prompting you to reconsider your choices. Embracing God’s will becomes more apparent when peace becomes a constant companion, guiding you through the uncertainties of life with a sense of assurance and tranquility.

A man who seems exhausted. (Photo by Bruno Aguirre from Unsplash)

The danger of holding on instead of giving up

Despite the many signs, you may still cling to your goal. You may hope that things will turn around in your favor.

However, as you cling to unfulfilled dreams, the dangers become evident. It impacts not just your external circumstances but your mental and spiritual well-being. 

Imagine the toll it takes, persisting in the pursuit of a dream that may not align with God’s perfect plan for your life. The relentless striving can lead to a weariness that seeps into your thoughts and emotions. In turn, this creates a barrier between you and the peace that comes with surrender.

Moreover, there is the risk of missing out on God’s greater plan—a plan that surpasses the scope of your aspirations.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

When faced with the struggle of holding on to our paths and unfulfilled dreams, this verse reminds us that God’s plans extend beyond our immediate understanding. It assures us that His intentions are rooted in prosperity, not harm, and are geared toward providing hope and a meaningful future.

Practical tips for surrendering to His plan

Have you decided that giving up is for the best?

In this case, embarking on the journey of surrender involves practical steps that resonate with your daily life. Here are some you could follow.


Begin with prayer and reflection. In these moments of stillness, reflect on the alignment of your desires with the greater tapestry of God’s plan for your life. It is simple. Yet, it is a profound practice that opens a channel for God to shape your path.

Seeking counsel

In addition to personal reflection, consider the importance of seeking wise counsel. The perspectives of those who share your faith become valuable guides in navigating life’s complexities. In the community, you find a source of wisdom and support. This reinforces the notion that surrender is not a solitary journey but a collective endeavor. 

A man being prayed over. (Photo by Jack Sharp from Unsplash)

His way is perfect

Trust that, beyond the twists and turns of life, God’s plan is always for your ultimate good. Surrendering to His will might feel like giving up control. But in that release, you discover a profound sense of freedom and peace. 

Imagine the relief that accompanies trusting in a plan greater than your own, finding solace in the knowledge that every twist in your story is a thread woven into God’s perfect design.

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Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Giving up: Signs you should surrender to God’s plan.

By Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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