God is Our Strength and Portion – Psalm73:26

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” – Psalm 73:26

Most of the time we think that we can do everything. In so many cases, we dreamed of defeating any challenges we will face because God made us strong. We are put into so many things in life to the point that we can say that whatever life throws at us, we can overcome it. Yet, sometimes being strong is so tiring. Always having the thought that we can’t give up weakens us. 

Our verse today talks about how the psalmist declared how drained and tired he is. Indeed, it is very hard to acknowledge and admit that we are tired and on the verge of giving up. Especially this year when the world is hit with a pandemic which caused so many people in distress, jeopardized so many businesses and have killed so many loved ones. This year has been so tiring and sometimes we just want to demand a break from everything. 

We are so caught up with the sudden change that we fail to recognize the need of our body to adjust. For Christians, we have been so oppressed by so many situations and wickedness have kept us from seeking God above all else. Busyness has kept us from going back to our strength’s source and so we are drained. We don’t know where to go anymore because everywhere we face is an angle full of wickedness and unrighteousness that we know that God would not be pleased. The worst part is, we want to jump off in the bandwagon and just want to dwell with evil. 

We try so hard to fight against our desire to sin and it’s really wearing us out. We try so hard to become the good witnesses of the Bible that it’s making us unmotivated. However, whenever we feel like this, we should also remember if we are getting the enough strength and will from the right place? Are we just so focused on the fact that we are drained, weared out and unmotivated that we fail to recognize God’s faithfulness in our lives? If so, indeed we will fail. 

The psalmist today declared that though his heart and flesh may fail but God is the strength of his heart and his portion forever. We too should declare the same. The bombardment of challenges and trials in life has been so overwhelming that most of the time we fail to fight our battles against sin and we fail to become good witnesses of Christ. We have to understand that instead of dwelling with our failure and our loss of motivation to be the light of the world, we have to always go back to the source. 

God did not make us His children and did not command us to become His good witness just to leave us in the process and in the middle of the mission itself. He will really see us through, which means that He will always be there despite everything. Despite the challenges life has given us, especially this year, we have to analyze our situation. We are still alive, we are still in the service, blessings are still overflowing and though we are tired, we feel like we are renewed every morning. So, God has not abandoned us and will never abandon us. 

Just like the psalmist said, even if our flesh and heart will fail, God is still the strength of our heart and our portion forever. He will always renew us everyday and be our charging port everytime we feel weak. What more when He said that we should just go to Him every time we are weary and heavy burdened and He will give us rest. He is indeed the strength of our hearts and our portion forever. 

Therefore, as we continue to live our lives in the holy presence of our God, we are to fight the battle against sin and to uphold His commandments, we have to always run back to Him because rest assured that we will be tried but in Him, we will have strength. As we continue being the light of the world, we should always go back to the source of our light and be renewed everyday because the days are evil and the evil will try to steal, kill and destroy our faith in God. We should always remember that in Christ, we are renewed and in His strength we depend. He is indeed the strength of our hearts and our portion forever, even if our flesh and heart may fail. 

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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