God Promised All Things Work Together for The Good

To those who love Him God works together all things for the good. (Romans 8:28)

There is an ABC applicaton.

1. All things happen to Christians. Christians’ circumstances are no better than anybody else’s. The terrible things also happen to people who love God.
2. When things work together for good in your life, it’s because of God.
3. God’s promise to those who love God: Though bad things happen they work for good. Speaker: Timothy Keller Music: Emotional Piano

Music – Awakening https://youtu.be/UkZKMVVHdiE

Video: www.videoblocks.com

By CLife Stream

CLife Stream provides devotionals articles along with audios and videos to help people build the values based on the Bible, be transformed in God’s words and grow in Jesus Christ. The team will distribute original content, collaborate with other Christian writers and organizations, and also collect online resource to help our audience receive grace and inspiration on various topics.

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