“Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:31
Do you know how powerful eagles are? There is tremendous strength in their wings, beaks, feet, and eyes. Their grip strength is more powerful than a lion’s bite, and their wings are built for soaring and gliding at a great height. God promises this kind of strength when we wait for Him. Yes, it is not always that we are strong, but we can be one through the way we think, the way we speak, the way we act, and the way we express our faith.
Even the strongest people get tired at times. But when God allows tribulations, He also promises strength to overcome them. Our problem is that we want changes to happen instantly. But God wants us to wait as He moves and works in our lives. He promises that we can rest and be confident in His power because they never diminish based on our feelings. He is faithful to fulfill these promises when we are weary and lacking faith.
When we are in the midst of a crisis, we often doubt God and His abilities. We get too impatient in waiting for answers or solutions to our problems that we ask, “Why do You allow this to happen? How long, God? ” You see, the Lord allows these not because He doesn’t care for us, but because He loves us and He wants us to rely on Him for strength and power. He needs us to realize that we cannot overcome these trials alone- that we need Him.
One of the greatest mistakes we can make is taking control of our lives when we could be entrusting it to the Lord. We will have challenges in different ways along in our lives. That is inevitable. But be reminded that God’s power is the only constant in this world.
He’s going to work, and He is going to move, but we have to let Him. Our role is to be faithful regardless of how long and how hard. In return, He’ll let us soar like an eagle.