God’s Thundering Voice – Job 37:5

“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.” – Job 37:5

Every time there’s a storm, we hear thunder sounds a lot. Sometimes, if people hear this, it will signal that change is coming in terms of weather. So, thunder really signals that a storm is coming and people are expecting changes. However, our verse today talks about thunder too, but it talks about how God’s voice thunder in a marvelous way. If we think about how thunder signifies change or storm, we can also think that the voice of God thunder in a marvelous way will also mean that it will bring a big change to our life. Although it will not be an awful storm, it will surely be as big as a storm– the changes will be as big as a storm. 

Either way, storms can bring us a bad experience and for some, storms can be the key for their life to be better and better for their personal growth. So, if we focus now on the verse we will see that as God’s voice thunder, it also brings us a good mindset and even a good signal that change is coming into our lives. Indeed, that He does great things beyond our understanding. When Moses heard His voice from the burning bush, his life completely changed that. When Saul heard His voice talking to him on the road to Damascus, his life also changed after that. 

So, we can really say that the voice of God may sound like thunder, it’s loud, it’s big and full of authority but it does not signify storm or hardship. Instead, it signifies hope, change, and even guidance. Whenever we hear the voice of God calling us, we better make sure that we are listening and that we are ready for the big change. After all, He works in mysterious ways and everything He does will always be for the betterment of His people. He loves us so much that He does not want to see us suffer so He saved us and He changed our life through giving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. 

Therefore, as people who are so stuck up with our old lives, let us try to find God’s thundering voice through His Word and let Him guide us to the change we’ve been longing for. Let us make sure to follow His voice and understand that He is not to bring us strife, but He is to bring us salvation, grace, and mercy. Thus, let God change us, and bring us to the life bound in Christ, under the mercy and grace of Christ, and completely living a life under the life of Christ.

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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