Grace Overflowed from One Man – Romans 5:15

“But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!” – Romans 5:15

There is one thing that both Adam and Christ have in common and one thing that they are very different. One action made by both of them affected everyone, while their difference is that Adam’s action was to bring sin to the world, while Christ’s action was to bring salvation to the world. One common thing is that again, their actions have affected everybody but in different ways. During the fallen man, Adam was the one who opened the world to be vulnerable to sin. Through one man, indeed we are condemned. 

Actually, when we think that we are suffering because of the failure of one man, it’s really quite unfair. To think that we are suffering because of the sin of one man is something our minds cannot fathom and cannot accept. Now, one thing is very important for us to understand that God is not unfair and we are suffering right now is not because we are ripped off. It is because Adam let sin enter the world and because sin dominates our nature now, we are also sinning. We are sinful by nature now, so we are suffering because of our sins. 

The question should not be, “Why does God allow people to suffer?” but it should be, “Do you think you deserve not to suffer after all the sins you did?”. Thus, let us always put in our minds that God did not choose this for us, but it was us who put ourselves into this. Now, we really cannot say that God is allowing suffering because we deserve to suffer in the first place. We don’t deserve to suffer. So, this is what Adam brought into the world, into us. 

If one man can bring sin and death to the world, then how much more that one man can also bring grace and a gift that came by the grace which is our salvation. So, when Christ came to the world, He brought grace and salvation. Now, Adam is not the only one who brought something into the world and affected everyone but also Christ. He has given us salvation and grace. Through Him, we can all stop sinning and have eternal life by faith. It isn’t only for those people who have seen Him or it is not for people who have been chosen one by one. We are chosen through our faith in Christ. If we have faith in Christ Jesus, we are given grace and we instantly become the chosen ones. 

Therefore, we must always remember that Jesus came into the world to stop our suffering. He came into the world to bring us grace that overflows. Let us always remember that even if through one man sin entered, grace entered through one man also. Instead of dwelling in our sinful nature, let us focus on becoming more and more like Christ. As His grace overflows to us, let us make sure it overflows from us too.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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