Great is the Lord – Psalm 145:3

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.” – Psalm 145:3

As the world clouds our minds with uncertainties, we often forget one thing that is certain: God is great and He is worthy of all praises. Most of the time we focus our energies on worrying or enjoying what we have right now that we forget where blessings spring up from. We don’t have time to even just reflect on the goodness of God and to appreciate everything that He has done in our lives. 

So now, let us use this time to reflect on this verse today. Indeed great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. His greatness no one can fathom. He is great for He is loving, gracious, merciful, and faithful. Indeed, that He is great. Even the word ‘great’ cannot sum up the goodness of our God. ‘Great’ seems to be an understatement when we are referring to our living God. There are many reasons why He is great and maybe we should start reflecting on these reasons from the moment we were born until now. 

God deserves and most worthy of all praises because He is great. Since He is loving, merciful, gracious, faithful, etc. He deserves all praises and adoration. Although God does not need all of these to become what He is, it should already be part of us to praise and glorify His name because of all the beautiful things He did for us. Indeed, that everything seems to be surreal and sometimes fake, but we must understand that one thing is for sure, God does not need our praise but He is most worthy of it all. 

Lastly, to sum up the description of who God is in this verse, our God’s greatness is something that no one can fathom. He is great and worthy of all praise that His greatness is something we could never fathom. We are like diving into an endless ocean. There’s no ground, but just a big vast pool of water. Just like the greatness of our God, there’s no ending and no one knows the bottom part of it. We are swimming in a vast pool of God’s greatness that even if we are sinful, His greatness overcomes it through His love, grace, and mercy. 

Therefore, let us remember today and reflect on God’s greatness, He is worthy of all our praises and His greatness is something we can never fathom. We must know that our lives should not only consist of fighting what is right and wrong or just surviving. Let us be mindful of our time and let us be mindful of all the great things God has done for us. We must never forget His goodness and greatness. Let us always put in our minds that He is great and He is worthy of all our praises. All glory and honor and praise belong to our living God alone. Amen and amen.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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