Grow and flourish in His truth

I am a tree of Five years now,
I’ve been planted in this same ground.
I stand alone, I wait for change,
But everything just seems the same.

I am so small, the other trees,
They look so large compared to me.
I feel I’ve changed, but even so,
I don’t see any proof of growth.

Change will come eventually,
But, I am so small. Oh no, poor me!
I am a young Palm tree,
My growth cannot be seen.

The first few years, my stem grows down,
Over 200 feet into the ground.
I feel myself growing ever stronger,
I’m not a small tree any longer.

After my roots have been established,
Growth becomes a daily habit.
Neither bitter cold nor scorching heat,
Affect my growth, not in the least.

In my future life, I’ll grow and flourish,
Nothing makes me feel discouraged.
One hundred years of life for me,
A Palm Tree’s life expectancy.

The same life, God proclaims for you,
To grow and flourish, in His truth.

Psalm 1:3 And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].

By CLife Stream

CLife Stream provides devotionals articles along with audios and videos to help people build the values based on the Bible, be transformed in God’s words and grow in Jesus Christ. The team will distribute original content, collaborate with other Christian writers and organizations, and also collect online resource to help our audience receive grace and inspiration on various topics.

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