Hindrances to effective fasting and prayer

Hindrances to effective fasting and prayer

Posted on June 18, 2008 Updated on June 18, 2008


  1. Uncofessed Sin (1 Sam. 7.61Chro. 7:14James4:2-3Ps. 66:181Sam. 7:61Jn1:9
  2. Un believing Heart/spirit – Mark 11:23
  3. Lack of love – Gal 6:2I Jn. 3:22-23Acts 14:2320Isaiah 58
  4. Idols in the Heart – Ezekiel 14:1-4Joel 2:12-15Colossian 3:5Ephesians 5:3-51Cor. 10:7
  5. Unforgiving Spirit – Mark 11:25
  6. Deaf ear to the cry of the poor – Prov. 21:13Isaiah 58:6-9.
  7. Marriage problems 1 peter 3:7  You must be able to abstain from sex during fasting 1 Cor.7:5
  8. Disobedience to God’s word – Prov 28:91jn. 5:14-151Sam. 7:4-7Joel 1:6-91 Sam. 15-22
  9. Opposing God’s saints Ps 18:40-41Num. 16Act 23:12-21.
  10. Disrespecting God – Heb. 5:7
  11. Asking and fasting contrary to Jesus NameJohn 14:13-1415:7
  12. Wrong motive in prayer and fasting – James 4:31sam 16:7Matt. 6:8.
  13. Bad desire or burden of prayer and fastingMark 1:24Lk. 2:37-39Rom. 10:1Gal. 6:2Acts 13:14.
  14. Prideful heart in prayer and fasting, 1Chro. 7:14, 1 kings 21:25-29, 1Chro. 20:1,3-10.
  15. Not willing to surrender – Matt.26:38-39.

Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Hindrances to effective fasting and prayer.

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