My new One Word for 2023, Hope and I have fast-tracked our acquaintance, spending a good deal of time together as the new year came in clothed with uncertainty and trial. Every post written in the month of January had a theme surrounding Hope. But with the onset of spring, creation reminded me of the treasure of Hope in the unseen.
A robust three months into our journey, Hope lessons abound, speaking deeply into my life. I created a special page on my blog where all my Hope posts live, please take the time to acquaint yourself with the wonders of my journey with this magnificent word.
Hope hidden
Last month I pondered Hope as an anchor, creating a wonderful visual and reminder for me of Hope’s steadfast nature binding me to its ultimate Source in God.
Enjoying my new Hope Journal with Hebrews 6:19 embossed on the cover, complete with a metal anchor bookmark, invited me to record a few more verses, quotes and some thought-provoking poems.
While several poems on Hope captured my attention over the past weeks, three anchored their thoughts within my heart.
Hope Never Slumbers Long
By: Anna J. Granniss
Not even Hope can always soar and sing;
Sometimes she needs must rest a willing wing.
And wait in midst of her glad carolling.
Faint not, dear heart, though she rest over night –
Her wings are swifter than the wings of light;
They’re gaining strength for more enduring flight.
Fret not because her voice is sometimes still;
It may be catching some new lilt or thrill;
She’ll sing again, all of her own sweet will.
Perhaps when worn with pain, in darkened room.
Denied the light, the beauty, and the bloom,
You’ll see a little rift within the gloom;
Then hear a stir, as of unfolding wings;
And low, sweet notes, as one who tries the strings
In tender prelude just before he sings.
And wakened Hope, grown vigorous and strong.
Will then surprise the silence with a song –
Keep a brave heart, Hope never slumbers long.

Intricately weaving the characteristics of Hope into a persona who sometimes seems absent, Granniss invites us to view Hope from the perspective of Hope’s own resiliency.
Hope, though at times quiet, is never truly gone, but only awaits its appointed time to once again reveal its song.
Abound in Hope
By: Benjamin H Kennedy
Hope, Christian soul! in every stage
Of this thine earthly pilgrimage,
Let heavenly joy thy thoughts engage;
Abound in hope.
Hope through the watches of the night;
Hope till the morrow brings the light;
Hope till thy faith be lost in sight;
Abound in hope.
A call to arms of sorts, Kennedy exhorts the Christian to persist in Hope. But not only to persist in Hope no matter the circumstance, but persist with abundant Hope!
Reminding us our abundant Hope rests in our knowledge and thoughts of heaven’s Joys.
Hope is the Thing with Feathers
By: Emily Dickenson
“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –
And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –
I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.

Perhaps the most well-known poem on Hope, Emily Dickenson’s, “Hope is the Thing with Feathers” personifies Hope as a little bird within each heart singing through even the darkest storms.
Permeating our imaginations with the delicacy of a fragile bird facing all of life undaunted, once again we see a visual of Hope as strong, resilient, and Joyful.
Given my 2021 One Word was Joy, and my 2022 One Word was Resilience, I thrill to see the connection between my past words and this newcomer!
hope sings in the dark
While enjoying all three poems in their turn, the single theme woven through all connected me with Romans 8:24-25:
“ For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”
In essence we Hope in the unseen. Inviting us to a place of confident rest, Hope pulls our gaze to the yet unseen fulfillment of God’s promises.
Though strangely still at times, Hope sings in the dark because it never doubts the coming Light.
As spring makes its way to full fruition, the birds taught me the lesson of Hope singing in the dark. Long before the sun crests the horizon, in the darkness of still morning, they sing, welcoming the coming day.
Like Hope, they never doubt the rising of the sun. When yet unseen, their songs herald the sun’s rising whether amidst a peaceful morning or while storms rage: the sun always rises.

hope in the unseen
Through the beauty and uniqueness of poetry, my One Word friend invited me into the treasures of the darkness where Hope rests not shackled but hidden. Seen only through eyes of faith in the truth of God’s Word.
At times God’s provision sits yet a while off, but Hope declares the surety of its coming.
Hope sings in the darkness of trials never doubting the rising of the Son.
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Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Hope in the Unseen.