Personally, after experiencing the transformative power of salvation through justification, the next crucial step in a Christian’s spiritual journey is sanctification. Sanctification is the ongoing process of becoming more like Christ, where believers are gradually purified from sin and grow in holiness. This journey is driven by the Holy Spirit, who empowers and guides Christians to live according to God’s will. By consistently aligning your thoughts, actions and desires with the teachings of the Gospel, believers can reflect His love and righteousness in their daily lives, demonstrating the inward change that has occurred.
Universally, living a sanctified life also prepares Christians for their ultimate purpose within the Kingdom of God. Justification grants believers entrance into this Kingdom, but sanctification equips them to serve and fulfill their divine calling. As citizens of the Kingdom, Christians are called to embody its values, such as justice, mercy and love, in every aspect of their lives. This involves actively participating in the mission of spreading the Gospel, as our Lord Jesus Christ commanded us in Matthew 28 and Act 1, preaching the Gospel to the ends of the earth and making disciples of all nations. By doing so, believers not only honor God but also contribute to the advancement of His Kingdom on earth, living out their faith in tangible and impactful ways.
Facebook Post Top Comments:
Christopher Strong: “Live for Jesus”
Georgearna Mahara: “Read your Bible & listen to worship music to God. God will comfort you. Find a Bible believing church. Fellowship with other Christians”
Casey DuVall: “Learn about christian discipline.
The areas include:
- prayer
- bible study
- fellowship
- service to others
- worship
- fasting
- meditation
These will inspire you and transform your entire life.”
Rob VanWeerden: “Get baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit, like Jesus did.”
Chris Atack: “Find a church that preaches the Gospel”
Tiffany Nicole:
“🤓🧠 METANOIA (Greek: μετάνοια):
Derived from “META” (beyond) and “NOIA” (mind) – Rejecting all thoughts that don’t align with God’s perfect Word! Metanoia allows God to turn our unbelief into unwavering faith, our darkness into light. We can live knowing Jesus does the work for us, each and every time we seek this type of repentance.
✨ Immediate Impact on our Life:
Metanoia instantly frees us from true sin as described in John 16:9 (unbelief in Him). Jesus points out that our deepest issue is not our actions, but our REFUSAL TO BELIEVE in Him—the Word, who already SANCTIFIED us according to Hebrews 10:14. Our faith in His Word must outweigh our faith in ourself or our own abilities.
🤔Why the Bible Matters:
It lets God’s glory reign in our lives; it allows the Word to do the work for us; which produces much better fruit than we ever could.
🫠Self-Trust vs. God-Trust:
Satan works mightily when disguised as light. He will make you trust yourself, thinking you know God, thinking you hear from God in visions and dreams. Satan will puff you up full of biblical knowledge so that you are satisfied by the breadcrumbs, that you miss the FULL FEAST of the Gospel!! That’s how powerful God’s Word is! Billions of secular “Christians” living off breadcrumbs and never receiving the true meal – the Gospel that would change their lives forever!
🐑The Real Meal:
Jesus put you in right standing with God (our sins paid for on the cross, the debt gone); Jesus sanctified you (washing away every sin you’ll ever commit), making you perfect and Holy forever before God!! Do you BELIEVE IN HIM? That’s the question… It’s not about our effort; it’s about accepting His unchanging Truth for our lives:
The Gospel – Hebrews 10:14 KJV
“For by ONE offering He (Jesus) hath perfected FOR EVER them that ARE sanctified.” 🤯🥹🙌😭💗
📖True Metanoia:
This isn’t some surface-level apology (like the dead works repentance taught in many churches). It’s a complete shift in heart posture. We surrender our doubts, fears, and stubborn beliefs that resist God’s Truth; so we can embrace Jesus’ transformative power. We let go of self, so we can gain Him; that is where the victory is!
💡Lightbulb Moment:
When we truly repent, when we have that metanoia moment, we’re not just tweaking a few behaviors or cleaning up our act. We’re stepping out of the darkness of our unbelief and into the perfect light of Christ, which brings hope, love and redemption. It’s like flipping on the switch in a dark room… suddenly, everything is illuminated, and we see things with a clarity we never had before!
👑The Result:
Metanoia, like sanctification, isn’t a gradual process or something we work our way up to. It’s instant, a supernatural act of God’s grace through faith! It’s like a divine light bulb moment, where the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to the truth of who Jesus is! 🥹
That’s where the magic happens – in that moment of metanoia, we are saved from true sin that once held us captive! 🤯 Our unbelief is shattered, and we’re brought into the glorious freedom of God’s kingdom.👑
Keep it 💯 – Live the Change:
Ask yourself – Do I believe Jesus really did conquer Satan/ALL SIN on the cross? If He did that, am I going to listen to my thoughts that tell me I’m a sinner?
Please stop trusting yourself; allow God to think for you! Let’s walk by faith that God’s Word is true, He is not a liar. In Christ, you are a new perfected, righteous, and Holy creature! When you don’t see it, believe unto the Word which will not return to God void! 🙏🙌”