The Lord bestows His blessings on anyone He chooses. Finding God’s favor doesn’t cost a dime. Your time is coming. Prepare your heart, have faith and patience.

I surely know this is a highly anticipated topic in the lives of Christians. That undeserved love from God has made us worthy of salvation —powered by the hope of overcoming our troubles and pains through Christ Jesus.
Thousands of Christians around the world often pray for God’s favor concerning their marriages, jobs, protection, health, family, dreams, new opportunities, etc, That’s a praiseworthy idea. But do they find any?
Today, I would like to inspire you to hold unto the faith for God’s favor. Before you finish reading this article you will understand how the favor of God has been working, how you are graced to enjoy it, and why you must yearn for His intervention in everything you do.
Before I go any further, it is important to understand what grace is:
Grace is God’s free and undeserved love and favor towards man as a sinner, especially as demonstrated in the plan of redemption through Jesus Christ.
It continually operates throughout our lives here on earth and in the ages to come. Sometimes we interchange grace with favor and mercy.
We saw “favor” in the definition of grace, and that is the focal point of interest here. So let me keep the ball rolling…
Why You Need God’s Favor
You need God’s grace or favor to live, enjoy His promises, and the best of all — eternal life. Without that, you are lost.
Even Jesus Christ grew in the favor of God. This also made him find favor from people. The Book of Luke 2:52 accounted for that. So it’s necessary to grow in the grace and favor of God.
This simply means we also need God’s favor to help us find favor from people we interact with.
This is what opens up new opportunities for us. Even when there is no possible way out of our troubles, God simply makes a way by using other people as our helpers.
God’s Favor Is Available For All
John 3:16 tells us about how God loves the world. Because of that, he sent his only begotten Son to die for our sins. By reconciling the world to himself —we have become worthy of eternal life. His favor comes in so many ways; it befalls anyone he chooses at any given time.
He is constantly searching through our hearts and observing our secret motives to reward us accordingly. His favor comes not because of your beauty, strength, wealth, money but through his grace.
This is a compelling message to call sinners to repent to be worthy of salvation and the richness of God.
The Bible says: “Whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
Believers are graced to enjoy God’s amazing salvation plan and blessings.
God loves you. He has the best plans for your life. If you have believed in Jesus Christ, then never lose faith in him. Paul reminded us to keep on fighting the good fight to the end.
Jesus knows his sheep. If you are in the sheepfold, then believe that —the miracle you need from God will come at the right time. Pray about it and have faith.
The God we serve is impartial. He favored Daniel while in captivity in the house of King Nebuchadnezzar. Abraham, Joseph, Mary, Job, David, etc, had God’s favor without any merit.
With the same love, God will shower his blessings on you by opening new doors for you. New doors of financial help, job, healing, marriage, etc,
He hasn’t left you out as some of you might perceive.
“And Peter opened his mouth and said, “Truly I perceive that God does not show favoritism.” (Acts 10:34)
He loves his children and his grace is sufficient for us all. God hates discrimination. You are on his big radar and very soon you will see his glory only if you do not turn your back on him.
You Are More Valuable
Never underestimate your importance as a child of God. Your worth in Christ Jesus is worth more than gold and silver. He is willing to help you with all your challenges and weaknesses.
The same God who takes care of the elephant takes care of the ant and the birds of the sky. Are you not valuable than these creatures?
In Matthew 10:29 there is a comparison between man and sparrow. A sparrow is known to be of comparatively little value, and it is, therefore, a relevant exemplification of God’s providence to say that he is concerned even about the sparrow’s fall.
His grace will always be sufficient for you my dear believer. It isn’t a big deal for the Lord to uphold you with his right hand.
The Psalmist said:

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Psalms 90:17)
Finding Favor From God
You can’t buy your way out into God’s love or grace. This amazing gift
is priceless.
It is not about merit. Neither is it about being the goodie-goodie type. God recognizes our imperfections and still loves us anyway.
Just stay true to him. This is how you can find favor in God’s sight: Love him with all your strength, heart, soul, body, and mind.
Then surely you will find the favor of God just like David who was favorited over all his elder brothers. He became the King of Israel.
“So you will find favor, and good understanding in the sight of God and man.” (Proverbs 3:4)
It doesn’t only end there with God. In furtherance, you will be a pleasant aroma in any place you find yourself.
People will like you, they will genuinely show you love, kindness and help you in the best possible way. God will use other people to answer your prayers.
This kind of favor could happen to you at the workplace, school, in the house, family, in competitive events or programs, etc.
God can favor you with so many things like children, bumper harvest, good health, divine protection, wisdom, good job, long life…
I am reminded of the beautiful song of Pastor Hezekiah Wal which is entitled “God favored me.” He shared his story of how God favored him and made him triumphant over all his adversaries and challenges.
Hasn’t God been favorable to you so far? Count your blessings one by one and see what the Lord has done for you. Surely, there are more to come. Sing that song… “God favored me.”
Yes! You will sing out loud that the Lord has favored you when you see his intervention in your endeavors.
Real-Life Example Of God’s Favor
Now, I believe it is time I share a real inspiring story of how God’s favor works.
As I said, God showers his grace and favor on us all the time, but some of us are too dumb to recognize it.

Here is an example… I remember reading a story about a young lady who got surprised by a stranger.
It’s quite unfortunate that I can’t recall the name of the Lady, the stranger, and the Location. I never taught I will need such kind of story in a blog post like this.
However, I will give you the scenario as I tailor it into this content as an example of God’s favor.
This story happened somewhere in the States. It goes like a young lady received a call while on public transport.
Oh wow, it happened to be about a job she applied for. The caller was barraging a lot of questions on her. That was a virtual job interview.
The lady wasn’t much confident and looks shy in proving her competence for the job. She was uncomfortable. Maybe because she was in public. Some answers or information need to be confidential.
Suddenly, a stranger who was sitting close to her grabbed the phone and started communicating with the interviewer.
Uh oh, that sounded rude and unethical. But it turned out to be a blessing for the young lady.
The stranger was the governor of that State. He nicely introduced himself and endorsed the young lady as someone capable of doing the work. Job secured… Case close…
The lady found God’s favor right inside public transport. This is one of the amazing ways God helps us in times of difficulty.
And all these happen because of his abundant grace and love. Our imperfections can’t stop him from loving us. Even to be alive today is by his grace. Learn how to be grateful to God all the time. His promises are trustworthy.
Your time will come and you will find favor from people just like the story of the young lady.
In Summation
When I read through the Bible, I don’t see God favoring the wicked/sinner. However, his grace is available for the wicked to repent before it is too late.
Rahab the prostitute was favored because of her kindness to the spies of Isreal. She had the fear of God within herself.
When the walls of Jericho were brought down, she and her family miraculously survived and finally lived among the children of God(The Israelites). Her heart was clean for the Lord God Almighty so she wasn’t destroyed.
By this, I can confidently tell you that, God knows his sheep and he will do what it takes to bring peace, happiness, success, protection, contentment, blessings, and salvation to them at no cost.
My prayer is may God find a clean heart in you and favor you in all your endeavors. With him all things are possible.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about God’s Favor.