Welcome to our special series, “Keeping Christ at the Center of Your Holidays.”
Over the next few weeks, you get to enjoy the wonderful words of my amazing friends as they share with you creative and practical ways you can keep Christ in the middle of all of your celebrations.
Our prayer is that you will come to know Him, worship Him, enjoy Him, celebrate Him, and share Him with family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. People all around us need to know the love of Jesus.
May we all be bright “lights” this year – sharing hope with those who need it most!
Santa Claus, reindeer, angels, elves, bells, bows, ribbons, and tulle.
The season overflows with a million themes to decorate your home for Christmas.
How to Make The Most of Jesus In Your Christmas Decor
But what if this year you want to hone in on the TRUE meaning of Christmas?
To take a step back from the gifts, the fluff, and the fodder.
What if this year you infuse Jesus into every detail of your season.
And, what would that look like?
What would it feel like?
What would it smell and taste like?
Surrender… to Make The Most of Jesus In Your Christmas Decor
It would be a sweet surrender to the true root of why we celebrate in the first place. A funneling down of all the commercial marketing to a miracle.
The best and most meaningful miracle ever.
The birth of our Savior. Who came in the most unexpected, unanticipated way as a swaddled baby in a lowly manger. No pomp and circumstance surrounding this precious moment in time.
My heart is burdened with bringing this kind of Christmas to our home this year. Click To Tweet
A Christmas where my children move forward in understanding the amazing gift that Christ’s birth is, in and of itself.
A season so full that my husband and I, along with any guest that enters our home, can’t help but feel Christ’s presence in the comfort of our walls.
So how do I bring that to fruition?
How can you?
Here are some practical ways to poise everything to point to Jesus.
After all, decorating isn’t just about what you see. It’s about a feeling, and feelings include all the senses. Even more, it’s what you make of it.
What you see:
The subtle way you word the season speaks volumes. Does your Christmas card say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? There is a difference. Subtle, but it’s still there.
Referring to the season as a holiday, merry and bright or phrases like season’s greeting are all beautiful, but they don’t point to Jesus. It’s a moment of lost opportunity to share the meaning of why we celebrate.
Not everyone celebrates Christmas. It’s a bold statement when celebrated for its true meaning. By calling it what it is you are proclaiming its meaning.
So shout MERRY CHRISTMAS if you want to point the words others see to Jesus. Click To Tweet
It’s a small way to invite others to the truth.
Be selective in the artwork, pillows…anything with words.
Make sure they point to the reason for the season. Luke 2:11
With so many different types of Christian Christmas ornaments to choose from, it’s no surprise that people often find themselves overwhelmed.
That’s why we recommend starting with a simple strand of white lights and then adding some other things as you go along.
What you smell:
Smells evoke memories. A fragrant meal simmering on the stove can beckon you back to your favorite childhood encounter with a loved one.
What smell reminds you of Christmas? Is it a fresh-cut Christmas tree, Cranberry Sauce, or maybe Spice Cake?
Once you settle in on a smell memory that brings you joyful Christmas, go buy that fragrance candle.
When you burn it let it be a moment to stop and say a prayer of thanksgiving for the miracle of God sending his son to a virgin mother…for YOU. Ask God to reveal himself to you this season. Philippians 4:18

What you touch: (to Make The Most of Jesus In Your Christmas Decor)
Touch is reaching out and grabbing something.
This Christmas reach out a grab someone’s heart. Touch their soul. Invite others to gather around your table. People can be very lonely this time of year. Pray for God to show you someone who could use some love and reach out and grab them up. Share your home with them.
Share your God with them by inviting the uninvited to fellowship. What good are all your Christmas decorations if they aren’t shared?
Go set a lovely, extravagant Christmas table and serve someone a feast of love. Luke 14: 12-14

What you taste: (to Make The Most of Jesus In Your Christmas Decor)
Food is a universal gift. Everyone has to eat. Why not make a treat to share with someone unexpected? Wrap it with the word of God. You can pray over the food you make, or if you’re not too crafty in the kitchen buy something to repackage.
Write a personal note of thanks or praise paired with a Christmas scripture and sprinkle the true meaning of Christmas to your mailman, dry cleaner, coffee barista, kid’s teachers, and grumpy neighbors. Have trouble loving a challenging person? Share with them especially!
Let others taste and see that the Lord is good this Christmas. Psalm 34:8 Click To Tweet

What you hear:
Maybe you haven’t moved into full-blown Christian music yet. It took me a while to get to the point where my radio is predominately tuned to a Christian station. BUT…I have always adored Christmas music.
Most Christmas music points to Jesus. Click To Tweet
So crank it up, enjoy it and let it be the catapult to change. Play it so much that when Christmas passes you feel empty without worshiping the Lord with the sound of His music.
Let this music be the backdrop of your home. Turn the TV off and let Christmas music fill the air instead. Psalm 69:30

You can scroll Pinterest for a million ways to decorate, crafts to make, and goodies to bake, but the meaning you give them is up to you.
You can choose to see and share Christ through all of them.
Or, you just have to change your perspective, not your décor.
About the Author:
- Kim Jones is a wife and mom to three young children, ages 10, 8, and 5.
- She spends her spare time shopping curbside, junkin, and turning trash into treasure. God has given her unique eyes to turn her projects and finds back to the Word.
- She desperately wants to share the freedom only Christ can bring with others.
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Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about christmas.