Intimacy with God is the best thing we do because this is the best act of worship. To have an intimate relationship with God requires consistency. We need to practice it every day.
Before doing anything else we must put God first. We need to do it as our daily routine. To those who are not yet in intimate with God, it is not too late. We still have a big chance to start but it requires discipline. We need to check our daily habits and eliminate all the bad ones. Re-align yourself once again to God and make a new beginning. Always start your day in meditating the word of God and prayer. If we used to do this, our day would be filled with happiness.
Maybe there will be some happenings which are not favorable to us, but it is okay, we can still manage since we start our day with prayer. And this is the difference between a person who started his day with prayer to a person who did not pray.
A person who has intimacy with God is a joyful person, he can manage stress and is able to handle pressures in life. How beautiful the life that has intimacy with God, it is a fruitful life, inspired to inspire other people and blessed to be a blessing. God designed our life like this, life in relationship with Him and life that prioritize to glorify His Name.
It is our first duty every day to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. As the scripture says, “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you”. Matthew 6:33. See, all these things will be added unto us if we seek his kingdom first. Blessings will always follow in our life if God above all else.
What a wonderful life that God had designed for us, it is God who will add those things we need. If you haven’t re-aligned yourself to God, I suggest, start it now and you can experience the difference of a blessed life. Intimacy with God is the best life ever and forever.