“built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” – Ephesians 2:20
As we look back to the first church before, it was not all big, classy, and even rich. In fact, as we even define a church, it is a body of believers. Thus, a church is not a building or a nice house where people praise God, but it is the people themselves. So, as we look back to the first people after Christ died, as for the first church, it was founded by the apostles of Christ. They were first guided by the disciples of Christ and the first church was really put on the path of Christ as their cornerstone.
Just as what our verse today states, the members of God as the first church before was built and founded by the apostles and prophets, having Jesus as their chief cornerstone. Now, as we reflect on this, we can ask ourselves if our churches at this present time still consider Christ as their chief cornerstone or not? Do different churches nowadays that came from the very first churches founded by the apostles and prophets still focus on Christ and see Him as the chief cornerstone?
It’s time to check ourselves, as part of the family of God, as His household, as part of His holy body, and as part of His church. Are we really still looking at Christ as our chief cornerstone? Or we are so busy with the kingdom or good deeds that we already forgot about the King Himself? It is very dangerous for us to become so busy with all our ministries to the point that we are already forgetting to whom we are doing it for. Also, we are not just so busy for the kingdom, but most of the time, we really forget that the main message of the Gospel is Christ and the chief cornerstone of every church should be Christ.
However, since we are all so distracted about so many things, we forget about Christ. Therefore, we should really put our mind on the right track and continue to understand that Christ is indeed the chief cornerstone. We are all part of His people, and then we will always see Him as our main foundation, as our chief foundation and cornerstone. Everything we should do is all about Him and all for Him. Thus, as people of Christ, we must continue to praise Him and always put Him as the highlight of our teachings. After all, He is the way to salvation and our goal is to become more and more like Him.
May we always hold on to the truth that we are in Him and that He is our cornerstone. Our churches are built on Him and that He is our way to our salvation. Christ is the star of the Word, He is the highlight and He is the big and good news. There is no one in heaven and earth that is like Him. Let us continue to have our focus on Christ and have Him minister to us so we become more and more like Christ.