Jesus Makes Everything Turn Out OK

My ongoing journey to seek and know God

Continues onward each and every day.

I keep on the path, overcoming all traps,

Remaining faithful, come what may.

Satan tries to set up roadblocks;

Unexpected detours to lead me astray.

But with my eyes focused on the prize,

I strive to continue on the right way.

Despite fears, doubts and questions,

And dragons from the enemy to slay,

Or whatever temptations that try to mislead me,

I’ll look up to Jesus and pray.

May evil never defeat me;

May sin never cause me to stray.

So trusting Him, I’ll keep on my journey,

For I know Jesus keeps evil at bay.

I know the road won’t always be easy,

For in wait, many vile demons do prey

On those lost without the Good Shepherd.

But Jesus makes everything turn out ok.

Richard Cerruti


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