John 15:5 Devotional: Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing

Photo by Al Elmes on Unsplash

John 15:5 NIV
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

NEVER forget that in the Lord is our righteousness and strength. We are not sufficient to think rightly of ourselves, but through Him we can do all things.

Never attempt anything without looking to Jesus for power. Let a knowledge and constant sense of weakness keep you near to Him; sensibly depending on Him; and ascribing all good unto Him. You cannot, He can. You have destroyed yourself, in Him is your help found.

It is only by union to Him, and receiving from Him, that you can glorify God, adorn your profession, enjoy your privileges, and obey the holy precepts of the gospel.

Never presume, but come up out of the wilderness leaning on Him, your beloved. Live as one deeply sensible of your dependence upon, and obligation to, the Lord Jesus. He is the strength of the poor, the strength of the needy in his distress, and your strength too.

Beloved, Jesus is your life-giving Head, the Fountain from which you are to draw all your supplies, and the Friend to whom you are to carry all your cares. He will work in you to will and to do of His own good pleasure.

Jesus, immutably the same!
Thou true and living vine!
Around Thy all-supporting stem
My feeble arms I twine;
Thou art my strength, my life, my hope,
Nor can I sink with such a prop.

The Believer’s Daily Remembrancer by James Smith

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