Keep The Faith Come What May
We will keep the faith
Each and every day
No matter what storms we face
No matter what may come our way.
It won’t always be easy.
Life’s not all peaches and cream.
Life’s not a bowl of cherries,
But it’s not all as bleak as it might seem.
We’ll take the bad with the good.
We’ll remind ourselves that God’s in control.
Just when we feel there’s no way out,
He’ll give us the gift of parole.
We remember that even Jesus,
Who lived a perfect holy life,
Still struggled with hardships, sadness and pain;
He died on a cross, abandoned and in strife.
Was all hope then lost?
No. Three days later He rose to life once again.
God promises eternal life for each one of us,
To all who believe; Children, women and men.
Jesus overcame all things that came His way:
Opposition, temptation, even Satan and death.
He kept never ending faith in God His father.
He kept praying till His last breath.
Jesus loves us and won’t let us down.
Jesus is still with us today.
His faith is strong just as ours should be.
With Him by our side, we can face every new day.
Learn and grow. Keep your faith strong.
Don’t be afraid. Have hope and pray.
Good will triumph. God will right every wrong.
So don’t give up for He’ll make a way.
Richard Cerruti — July 26, 2017