Kindness Stories Inspire Tears – Divorce Minister

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23, NIV (emphasis mine)

Without fail, I find myself tearing up when I hear stories of kindness. The stranger that stops for another in need and offers of themselves when they didn’t have to.

I think this comes from my time in the valleys of adultery discovery and divorce.

As faithful spouses, we know what it is like to not receive the kindness we are due from our spouses. And likely, we know what it is like to receive that kindness from people who did not owe it to us in the least but gave nevertheless.

Experiencing kindness as opposed to judgment is what cemented several relationships in my life.

I bet you can remember both those who chose to encourage you as well as those who chose themselves and judged you in your vulnerability.

It is the former type who will always have a warm place in my heart as I suspect yours will for you.

Kindness is a choice. And it is an unselfish choice. That is why cheaters are unable to show kindness consistently. They are too stuck in lifestyle of self-centeredness to demonstrate this fruit of Holy Spirit.

I am okay if I never shake the sniffles when I hear stories of kindness. It just means I know–at the heart level–how important this “fruit” truly is and am so grateful for those who live it.

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Kindness Stories Inspire Tears – Divorce Minister.

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