“The Lord is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:17). The Three of the Triune God are distinct but not separated. In New Jerusalem the Spirit flows out from the throne of God and the Lamb as the river of water of life. This flow brings God and the Lamb to us with both their ruling on the throne and their supplying of life as the river and the tree, and this is both today and in New Jerusalem.

We also need to be those living triunely with the Spirit as the realization of Christ the Son (John 14:17a; 15:26; 16:13-15). When you call, “O Lord Jesus Christ,” you enjoy the Lord. When you enjoy the Lord, immediately the Lord within you is the Spirit. The Lord is realized as the Spirit. The more you call on the Lord, the more you have the Spirit within you as the realization of Christ, the Spirit of reality.*
In John 16:13 the Lord Jesus promised that the Spirit of reality would come to us. This occurred in resurrection. He also said that this Spirit “will receive of Mine and will declare it to you” (v. 14). Further, He told us “All that the Father has is Mine” (v. 15). Thus the Spirit today brings Christ and the Father to us just like the river flowing in New Jerusalem from the throne of God and the Lamb.
* From chapter 42, Witness Lee, God’s New Testament Economy, published by Living Stream Ministry, © Witness Lee, 1986
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Posted by Don on October 18, 2023
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Live with the Spirit as the Reality of Christ 42-3-1.