Living a Wise Life – Ephesians 5:15-16

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:15-16

As Christians, it is really so hard to live a life that is always on the track of what Christ has prepared for us. A lot of people claim that Christian life is an easy life. It is a life where people get to wake up with food on their table, are financially stable, and have perfect relationships. However, this is such a myth because the Christian life is not rainbows or daisies always. In fact, the Christian life is even harder than life without knowing Christ because the enemy is not triggered or afraid of those people who don’t know Christ because the enemy knows that they are in the dark already. 

Yet, the people who are in Christ are more likely to live a life filled with temptation, tests, and disappointments. Our life as Christians is a life with persecutions and rejections. However, we must not take this as a disappointment nor something that will stop us from accepting Christ or living in Christ. Instead, we have to make this as an encouragement to be wise in living our lives with Christ in it. Just as Paul reminded us in our verse today. He wants us to remember that we must be very careful on how we live, we must not become unwise, but wise because the days are evil and we must always make the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel. 

Let us understand that what Paul is actually emphasizing here is the importance of evangelism, but personal spiritual growth is also very important. We cannot succeed in evangelism if personally, we are not spiritually mature. Thus, we need to understand that we must always grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God. As we grow in His wisdom, we will then have the wisdom to share His Word and we will have the confidence to share the Gospel with all people. So, we must remember to live our lives wisely– having the full assurance of Christ in our lives that even if we will be persecuted and rejected, we have Christ in us and we will be accepted in Him. 

Therefore, may we always remember that we are in Christ, and although our lives in Him will not be easy, we know that we are under grace and we are fully lived. So, we really have to keep in our minds that we must be wise in living our Christian lives, and we must make the most out of every opportunity. We need to understand that our role as Christian is to share the Gospel so that the people in the world will know that we have a Savior and we are completely blessed in Him. Thus, let us stay with Him, and abide in His loving presence.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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