“Let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds!”
Thanks to my friend Carrie Arii for this thoughtful Valentine devotional.
Today we will celebrate a holiday that started in the 1400s, and though love was the theme of the day, there are many stories of how it came to be.
It’s true! There really was a St Valentine; well actually there were three of them and several theories about who was the one associated with our modern celebration. The holiday started with giving cards and has grown to flowers, candy, cards and other gifts all to commemorate our love for a special someone! It has evolved into a holiday which also celebrates friendship.
Although the giving of gifts is one way to show love, I was reminded that the Bible tells us love is so much more than romantic feelings or familial affection; there is something much deeper.
This week, I have not been able to get Hebrews 10:24 out of my head! “Let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds!” (NIV)
Jesus always showed love. Consider the Woman at the well and how He loved her, no matter her unfortunate circumstance. He expects no less from us, and He tells us this is how people will know we are His disciples. By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another! John 13:35 NIV
If I show love, His love shines through everything I do.
Love is not just a good idea or suggestion. Jesus commands us to love. This is my commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you! John 15:12 NIV. Just as I have loved you! How much did he love us? To the cross… Wow! Let that sink in a minute!
Wait, we must love even when others are against me? Even when they are not like me?
Yes to those questions and any other excuse not to love. Jesus commands us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. Sometimes it is not easy, but it is always required.
We are told to love fervently and from the heart, from the deepest part of our beings. Since you have purified your souls in obedience to the truth for a sincere love of the brothers and sisters, fervently love one another from the heart I Peter 1:22 NIV.
The definition of fervently means with great intensity of spirit, passionate! Whoa! I am to love my brothers and sister in Christ with great intensity of spirit! I recently went to a Toby Mac concert. The people in the audience were extremely intense with their expressions of worship; with all of their being! We need to love others with that intensity!
I see now, we don’t get a pass for not loving. We can’t say “it’s not my gift.” Oh, but it is everyone’s gift, and it is required! We know the basics of love. Now consider HOW to spur one another on to love and good deeds.
We must first prepare ourselves show love. We need to be following and communing with the Lord, reading his Word and praying that He will help us show love. We should be so full of Him that his spirit overflows from our hearts into the hearts of others. We can’t give love if we don’t know love. Get to know God, because He is love!
How can you encourage someone today? Do you know someone who needs a text or a phone call? Is there some need that you can meet for coffee or a walk?
We may miss many opportunities to show love when we rationalize a 101 reasons why we can’t do X, Y or Z.
My husband is a great example of jumping in and doing! He looks for opportunities to help! Many times, he has been late getting home because he stopped to help someone in distress on the side of the road! Frustrating for me at times but I know that it was better for him to follow God’s leading and stop and help. Responding to those promptings God gives can result in great blessing both for you and the recipient.
Overscheduling our days or filling them with unnecessary activities can prohibit the blessing of spending time with others to spur one another on to love and good deeds. Is there someone in the church you would like to get to know more? Invite them to lunch or have them over to your house. Plan a park date or a walk.
Is there a young lady that needs guidance? Or a new believer? We can invite them in to share our love of crafting or other talents that God has given us. I have a friend that invites a couple of ladies over at a time to make lemon curd. It’s a great time to talk because you have to stir the curd for what seems like forever! This gives them something to do with their hands while their hearts are being refreshed and knit together.
You don’t have to plan an eight-course meal to show love and spur one another on to good works. The point is spending time together and showing love.
We can offer to help with community and church events, take someone under our wings, and help them learn what is required to make the event happen. Modeling responsibility to them will hopefully help them to become responsible and more confident in the gifts God has given them… spurring them on to love and good works, help them to find undertakings that will complement those gifts and talents.
So, what did I learn about how to spur one another on to love and good works this week? It should flow naturally (or supernaturally I should say) as I spend time in the Word, getting to know God and His unconditional love. Then I will be an example of love to our brothers and sisters in the Lord. It’s all about life together! Doing the things of life with others when God’s love overflows through us! You really get to know a person by spending time with them. They need it and so do you!
I encourage you to ask God to daily guide your schedule and routines and to bring others into your path that you can spur on to love and good works by the way you love them.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Love and Good Works.