“God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” This is Genesis 1:26. In 1:11-25 God made the plants, fish, birds, and animals each according to its own kind. But God did not make man “according to man’s kind.” God made man in God’s own image and likeness.
“Image” refers to God’s attributes. Two examples: “God is love” and man was created with the loving virtue; God is merciful and man was created with the capacity to show mercy. Besides God’s image, man also has God’s likeness, the outward appearance. This is seen in Genesis 18 where “three men” came to Abraham, but one of them was God; the other two were angels.
With human capabilities corresponding to God’s attributes, and with a spirit to receive God as life, man can become God’s expression. Man fell into sin but God cannot be defeated. He came in the man Jesus, died to redeem man, forgive sins, and cleanse man from the fall. Then in resurrection He entered into the men who received Him to be their life.
It is by God as life that man can express God. New Jerusalem will be the fullest expression of God in man.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Man Created in God’s Image.