The conclusion and the summit of the Bible is New Jerusalem in the new creation which is composed of the new heaven and the new earth (Rev. 21:1-2). In a few posts we will look at newness in the New Testament.
In Matthew 9:17 (and Mark 2, Luke 5) the Lord Jesus spoke about “new wine” which should be put into “fresh wineskins.” The Lord is the new wine and human beings are the containers, “vessels of mercy” to contain Him. To be qualified to receive Him, we must be fresh, that is, born again into the new creation. Perhaps New Jerusalem could be considered the eternal, corporate fresh wineskin containing God in Christ as the new wine.
In Matthew 26, Mark 14, and Luke 22 the Lord initiated His supper with the bread and wine as symbols of “the new covenant.” This new covenant was brought forth by His death and resurrection. Through these we have been redeemed from the old creation and regenerated into the new creation.
His death and resurrection, and our participation in them (Rom. 6:3-6), are the beginning of our journey to New Jerusalem. His glorious coming will bring us into the initial stage of New Jerusalem in the kingdom age for our rejoicing with Him until we enter into the eternal fullness of the new creation.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem.