“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.” – Isaiah 54:17
It is very hard for us to depend on something that we cannot see. It is very hard for us to put our hope and to trust on something that isn’t sure. However, even if we deny it or not, all of us believe in something greater than us. We believe that something or someone out there is protecting us and shielding us from everything bad. Even of all the horrible things that happened to our lives, we believe that everything works for our betterment.
Well, the answer to this ideology is our verse today. Of all the times that we just thought that someone is greater out there protecting us, we have to know that someone is our God. In our verse today, we can see how God promised the Israelites that there is no weapon that will prosper against them. This could only mean that there is no enemy of Israel that will stand against them and will defeat them. Although God said this to the Israelites through the prophet Isaiah, this is also applicable to us now.
God protects His people and He will never abandon them. So, if we believe and know God through Jesus Christ, we are now part of the family of God. We are now His people and that promise that He promised to the Israelites stretches out to us. Well, even though there are people who still don’t know Him, He even continues to protect them and provide for them. How much more us who are already accepted and made new by His Son through His death? How much more us who are already adopted to the family of God through Jesus Christ our Savior? We are much more safe and secured!
Indeed that there is no weapon that will stand against us that can prosper. The Lord our God is not only our provider but He is also our protector. He loves us and we are His children. He vows to protect us and to save us at all cost. Therefore, we should always hold on to this promise and just stay still because God has our back. This promise stretches out to our physical problems, our emotional problems and even to our spiritual problems. As Christians, our main enemy is the devil. He will always try to defeat us and to take us away from God. However, we must always remember to hold on to God’s promise. No weapon of the evil one that will prosper. Even though the enemy will use a physical weapon to attack our health, our security, God is a living and physical God. He will always protect us. Also, if the evil will use emotional weapons to attack us through our mental health, God is the God of peace and He will always grant us the peace amidst chaos always. Lastly, if the enemy will try to attack us spiritually, God is Spirit and He has given us His Word to fight against all the schemes of the devil. Thus, we must always remember that our God can do anything.
Therefore, nothing can really stand against us and the schemes of the evil one will never prosper us. Our God is our protector and our God is powerful, He will always protect us. Let us always remember that and thank Him all the time. We must always be glad that we have our God to back us up always. He indeed loves us so much and only through Him we can be fully secured. We are protected and fully secured only through Him for even from death and sin we are protected. We should always take this by heart and remember that we are only indeed under His grace and we need God so much!