All this week on the blog we’ve been celebrating twenty years of ministry here at Revive Our Hearts. Today, on the eve of the twenty-year mark, I’d like to take you back:
- Before the first strains of “Come Thou Fount” hit the airwaves as the Revive Our Hearts theme song . . .
- Before the voice of Leslie Basham announced, “It’s Monday, September 3, and this is Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss . . . ”
- Before a trio of hijacked aircraft changed the trajectory of the United States and the World . . .
Before the True Woman Movement, before Aviva Nuestros Corazones, before a global staff numbering hundreds, and before the Lord used this ministry to lead millions of women to greater freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ, there was this scene:
One woman, alone with the Lord. Prayerful. Contemplative. Earnestly desiring that God would visit her with a fresh outpouring of faith to take a giant step forward.
May Christ Be Magnified
Twenty years ago today on the eve of the first Revive Our Hearts broadcast, Nancy Leigh DeMoss [Wolgemuth] poured out her heart in her journal:
On the eve of the official launch of Revive Our Hearts, I want to offer a sacrifice of praise to You, O Lord. Words cannot express the greatness of Your grace and mercy to me through this past year. I stand in awe of Your providential hand and all You have done to bring this ministry to fruition. What a wonder it has been to see You at work, orchestrating all the pieces in a way we never could have done.
Your provision has been so faithful throughout this launch phase. Day after day “all I have needed, Your hand has provided.” Yet You have kept me in a place of utter dependence. This calling is so far beyond my natural gifts and abilities. My eyes are on You. O Lord, how I want to be a faithful servant and steward of what You have entrusted to me. You are able—help me to trust, to stay in the yoke with You, to rest in You, and to serve You with gladness of heart and in the fullness of Your Spirit.
I consecrate myself afresh to You, O Lord. I am Your servant—set apart from the womb for You. All I ask is that You would fulfill Your holy, eternal purposes in and through my life. May my life bring You pleasure. Set me free from bondage to the expectations, praise, and censure of men. May I live only for Your approval.
I pray for wisdom and supernatural enabling sufficient for this task. I ask for protection from every weapon the adversary forms against me. Guard my heart. Keep it pure. Guard my mind and emotions. Sustain me by Your Word, Your grace, and Your sweet Spirit. Fill me with Your Spirit. I pray for the mark of Your presence—for Your anointing on our feeble efforts.
O Lord, would You be pleased to multiply the seeds we have sown and produce a great harvest of revival and righteousness in the lives of women. How I pray for a movement of Your Spirit that cannot be explained in terms of human effort. Would You turn Your face toward us, cause it to shine upon us; and turn the hearts of women toward Yourself. May You be magnified through this ministry. Forbid that I should take any credit or accept any glory for what You do. May I walk in humility and a contrite spirit before You.
O God, from my youth you have taught me,
and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.
So even to old age and gray hairs,
O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation,
your power to all those to come. —Psalm 71:17–18
While the world would not hear the program until the following day, these tender words from Nancy’s heart marked the true launch of the flagship program upon which the ministry of Revive Our Hearts would be built. She held nothing back, but chose to stake all she had in proclaiming the message of revival and biblical womanhood.
A Timely Message for Trying Times
Looking back on those early years recently, Nancy reflected:
Twenty years ago this month, after more than a year of seeking the Lord, Revive Our Hearts was officially launched. I believed the Lord had confirmed that we should take this step . . . but that didn’t mean it was going to be easy. How would this new ministry be funded? Who would we bring on as staff? How would I possibly be able to come up with 260 teaching programs each year?
We moved forward in faith—in utter dependence upon the Lord to meet every need. From the outset, I simply responded humbly and gratefully answered, “Yes, Lord!” to His call.
Today, twenty years later, through His faithfulness and through the faithful encouragement of His people, we’re still here, sharing the gospel with women from all walks of life, supported by the prayers and generosity of friends like you.
Just eight days after we went on the air, the U.S. experienced the worst terrorist attack ever to occur on American soil. The aftershocks of sorrow, frustration, and anger only solidified my sense of the timeliness of the message we were bringing through Revive Our Hearts.
In the days following 9/11, we witnessed heroic first responders searching the wreckage of the Twin Towers, treating wounds, evacuating families . . . When interviewed, many stated that they were just doing their job. They didn’t ask to become famous or be on TV—they simply said “Yes!” when called into action.
You see, when God calls us to action, our immediate response should always be “Yes, Lord!” Just like those firefighters and medics, surrendering and leaning into God’s call is our duty—and should be our delight.
That’s why, over and over again here at Revive Our Hearts, we’ve called women to wave the white flag of surrender and say “Yes, Lord!” He is a compassionate God. He always does what is best for His children. And when you surrender your life to Him, He takes full responsibility for your care, your oversight, and your eternity.
As I reflect on these twenty years of Revive Our Hearts ministry, I am in awe of God’s hand. By His grace, countless women have encountered Jesus in fresh ways through His Word and have answered “Yes, Lord” to His call to live and serve Him as women of God.
Please join us in praying that millions more women will experience greater freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ in the years to come, all for His glory.
For the Next 20 and Beyond
Nancy’s words, both then and now, inspire me to ask, What’s my part, Lord? What are you asking me to do to help send out the call of freedom to women in my home, in my church, in my community, in my nation, and in our world?
Your answer will undoubtedly look different than mine, but the important thing is that we answer the call. Will you join me in prayer to petition the Lord for another twenty years (and beyond!) of fruitful ministry?
Oh, God, our Rock and Our Redeemer, the ways that you have been faithful to the ministry of Revive Our Hearts and to the women to have received our feeble offerings are too numerous to count.
Through every year, through every season . . .
Your merciful provision has been our sustenance.
Your steady hand has been our security.
Your loving arms, our covering.
Your gracious presence, our home.
Your plentiful forgiveness has been our salvation.
Your perfect righteousness, our peace.
Now, for the next twenty years, and beyond, may we serve you ever more faithfully with a boldness that can only come from your hand. Give us strength for this battle and the knowledge that you fight ever before us, that you walk beside us, and that your Word is the lamp we must hold high for the world to see.
Help us, Lord. Help us to say “yes” to you once again. We love you.
In the strong name of Jesus,
Celebrate Revive Our Hearts’ 20th Anniversary with us! Join the team October 8–9 at Revive ’21: Grounded. We can’t wait to be with you in Indianapolis! Can’t join us in person? You can participate online! Register now at Revive21.com.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about On the Eve of Twenty Years.