“By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.” – 1 Corinthians 6:14
As we read alone this verse, we can only reflect that God is indeed powerful because He will raise us from the dead just as He raised Jesus. However, the whole context of this verse is the ongoing reminder Paul wants to remind us. Since God will raise our body into glory after we die just as He raised Jesus Christ’s body, we must understand that our body is for the Lord.
We are bought at a price, thus we are ought to respect our body. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and God resides in us, so we must not defile it. Indeed that God has raised Jesus Christ by His power and He will raise us too. Therefore, our body is not for sexual immorality but we must use it to serve God and worship God through offering our lives as living sacrifices.
Yesterday we also reflected about how we should worship God and that is through worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. Thus, as we worship Him in spirit and in truth, we must understand that it also includes how we take care of our bodies. God does not want us to defile our bodies by entering sexual immorality but instead, He wants us to treat it with respect and to remember that our body is for the Lord. We must remember that life and body are all in one, if we want to worship God in spirit and in truth through offering our lives as living sacrifices, we must respect and honor our bodies too.
Most of the time we have a wrong mindset of God’s grace. We think that even if we sin so much, we will still be forgiven for we are saved by grace and not through our good works. However, we must understand that even if God’s grace and forgiveness is overflowing, He is a holy God and that our salvation will be found in Christ. Truly believing in Christ means hating sin. So, if we still continue to sin, we have to reassess ourselves to see if we truly believe and understand the true meaning of our salvation.
Therefore, in connection with this, we have to know that one of the weakest parts of humans is the ability to say no to sexual immorality. It is very hard for us to stay away from this sin and God knows that. That is why God wants to remind us that our body is His temple and that it is for the Lord and the Lord is for us. We will be resurrected with Christ also the moment we die. Thus, our body is not for defilement or not for us to be dirty but it is for us to use as a way to worship God in spirit and in truth by offering our lives as living sacrifices. We often think that because of grace, we can then abuse anything. But no, instead, because of grace, we should be grateful for all the things God has done for us. Our response should be worshipping God with our body.
So, as Christians, we should understand the importance of gratefulness as our response to God’s grace. We have to understand that our body should not be used for sin and for defilement but it should be used to worship God and to glorify His name. With that, God also promised us that He will raise us from the dead just as He raised Jesus from the dead by His power. If we believe in Jesus and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we will then receive His righteousness and we will become holy for God will make us holy.
May we always remember to not use our body for sexual immorality but instead use it to glorify God. Let us always remember to delight in the Word of God so that we will be guided on what we should do and we can say no to the temptation. We must always remember that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so we must take care of it and respect it. We should not be afraid when we die because God promised to raise us from the dead just as He raised Jesus from the dead.