Overcoming Fear with God’s Promise (Isaiah 41:10)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Fear is the most superior emotion that causes shaking and pivotal moves and turns in our lives. Fear can either be healthy or destructive. Fear is good, if it is a form of revering the Lord, the fear of God (Proverbs 9:10), that leads us to repentance and having a contrite heart and settle us into a life surrendered to the ways and will of God. Just as what God commanded to the prophet of Isaiah, whom God instructed to make courageous call outs and move for Him, that the people may know that our Heavenly Father is the Lord of all. On the other hand, fear is destructive. Fearing men, fearing situations and circumstances, fearing death, and all other kinds of fear, for which causes us to stifle, not allowing us to move and losing courage on the other end.

Here in today’s daily bread, we look at one of God’s instructions to His people, “fear not” mentioned 365 times in the Bible. Do not fear, says the Lord, especially when it is for good. Do not fear for tomorrow, do not fear men, do not fear when discouragements cripple in, do not fear evil, for you are empowered to overcome, do not fear in pain, do not fear the unknown, instead look at the living hope we have, the Lord Jesus Christ. Look at one of God’s promises to us, that “He will be with us” in all seasons of our lives. He will strengthen us, He will help us, He will lift us up only when we believe and trust in Him and submit to His will in our lives. This is a reality we are to live by-He is with us.

May we be encouraged to overcome destructive fears that robs the joy we have in living fullest in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let our faith and hope in Him be the cause of our joy, courageously speak of His goodness and salvation, that others may be set free from unhealthy fears and instead experience the light of living with Christ.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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