” I have told you these things, so that in me you have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But that heart! I have overcome the world.. “ – John 16:33
Conflicts, increasing prices of commodities, Covid-19, contradicting views and systems, financial demands, difficult people to deal with, a heavy work load, and whole lot more. These are just few of the troubles we face as a community and in our personal lives.
A Christian living does not mean exemption to troubles, in fact we are surrounded by it everyday in different forms and it is up to us on how we respond on the troubles that come our way. In today’s devo, Jesus Christ encourages us with words coming from Him, that as followers and believers of Christ, we are constantly being invited by the Lord to live under His refuge, to trust in Him, to walk our lives according to His will, to be filled by His love everyday, ultimately, to fix our eyes on Christ. Through this, we can experience peace amid troubles of the world, a peace that surpasses our human understanding, a peace that none in this world can offer, but only coming from the Lord. By remembering this everyday, we become people that are trouble proof and always joyfully hoping in the Lord and on the things He will unfold, because we trust a sovereign, almighty God who holds all things, the alpha, and the omega.
So if you’re in trouble, run into the presence of Christ today, experience His peace and take heart, you will overcome.