We all make mistakes. In fact, if we’re being honest with ourselves, we make them all the time. Sometimes, our mistakes are small and can be fixed relatively easily. Other times, our mistakes can have far-reaching and long-lasting consequences. Regardless of the severity of our mistakes, one thing is always true: We can always count… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses on How to Bounce Back After Your Mistakes
Bible Verses That Warn Against Making False Accusations
When people make false accusations against others, it can be a devastating experience. Not only do the victims have to deal with the emotional stress of the situation, but they may also have to face judgment and criticisms for the things they didn’t do. False accusations can tear families and friendships apart, and they can… Continue reading Bible Verses That Warn Against Making False Accusations
Bible Verses to Unlock the Power of Knowledge and Wisdom from God
Knowledge and wisdom are two of the most important aspects of life. We are constantly learning and growing. We can learn from books, from stories, from our mistakes, and from the advice and experiences of others. What we learn turns into knowledge, a collection of information we know to be true and accurate. With knowledge… Continue reading Bible Verses to Unlock the Power of Knowledge and Wisdom from God
10 Bible Verses Against Speaking Harsh Words to Others
There are few things that are as potentially destructive as harsh words. Whether they are simply negative observations or, even worse, statements meant to offend or malign others, they have the ability to inflict a great deal of harm. In fact, saying hurtful things can be so damaging that they can actually drive people away… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses Against Speaking Harsh Words to Others
The Blessing of Loving Others As Yourself
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31 Jesus Christ in one of His sermons summarized the laws into two great commandments and the second greatest is this, loving our neighbors as how we love and care for ourselves. This commandment is the bottom line of all other instructions of God regarding honoring parents, adultery, stealing, killing,… Continue reading The Blessing of Loving Others As Yourself
Bible Verses On Why You Shouldn’t Use The Name Of God In Vain
Are you one of those people who habitually use the name of God in vain? You know, the ones who say things like “Oh my God” or “Jesus Christ” when something bad happens or when they’re really angry? If you are, you’re not alone. Many people do it, but that doesn’t make it right. When… Continue reading Bible Verses On Why You Shouldn’t Use The Name Of God In Vain
The Blessing of Loving God with All That We Are
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Mark 22:37 In today’s daily bread, we ponder on the greatest commandment that the Lord Jesus Christ imparted to us, to love the Lord our God with all that we are, in the heart, soul… Continue reading The Blessing of Loving God with All That We Are
Bible Verses Against Speaking Harsh Words to Others
There are few things that are as potentially destructive as harsh words. Whether they are simply negative observations or, even worse, statements meant to offend or malign others, they have the ability to inflict a great deal of harm. In fact, saying hurtful things can be so damaging that they can actually drive people away… Continue reading Bible Verses Against Speaking Harsh Words to Others
A Way Out of Sin (Romans 7:15-20)
“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it… Continue reading A Way Out of Sin (Romans 7:15-20)
Bible Verses To Encourage You When You’re Down And Out
Whether it be a hard day at work, family trouble, health issues, heartache, depression, or a relationship that is causing stress in your life; there is always something in the Bible to look up to and lift us up when we are feeling down. It is in God’s Word that we can find encouraging verses… Continue reading Bible Verses To Encourage You When You’re Down And Out