Every new day is a blessing from God. Each day that comes brings with it new opportunities to grow, to experience God’s goodness, and to become more like Jesus through God’s grace. Aren’t you happy you’re alive today? With each morning we wake up, we’re presented with opportunities to decide on what we are going… Continue reading Bible Verses To Start Your Day Powerfully
What Living Under Grace Is (Romans 6:14-17)
For sin will have no mastery over you because you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Absolutely not! Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in… Continue reading What Living Under Grace Is (Romans 6:14-17)
Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength
Any Bible verse that speaks about strength must start and end with God. The strength of God is what carries us each and every day. As Christians, we believe His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Bible verses that signify God’s strength can be very encouraging and perfect way to live add to our… Continue reading Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength
Top Bible Verses to Strengthen Your Prayer Life
Prayer is an indispensable part of our spiritual life. Through prayer, We could draw near to the Lord and learn more about His purpose for our lives. Prayer is not just a spiritual exercise, but a way of life for believers. Biblical prayer should be simple and sincere, revealing the believer’s dependence on God and… Continue reading Top Bible Verses to Strengthen Your Prayer Life
Find Rest in God With These Bible Verses
The Lord cherishes hard work and diligence, yet he also values rest. When God created the world, He designed it to run on a certain cycle. He set times for work and rest, seasons for planting and harvesting, and nights for sleep. God desires for us to rest in Him as we follow His plan… Continue reading Find Rest in God With These Bible Verses
Bible Verses About Encouragement To Others
When we listen to someone’s difficult situation, we may also feel burdened. It’s difficult to encourage others with our own power. When the Holy Spirit is with us, we can encourage others. We shouldn’t have a mindset of indifference even if we cannot provide any help or solution. Have the heart of listening and understanding… Continue reading Bible Verses About Encouragement To Others
To Believe Is the Start (Romans 10:9)
Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 Today’s scripture is one of the most prayed scriptures in evangelism movement, in congregational services ministry time, also associated with the sinner’s prayer. Truly, this verse is a wonderful prayer,… Continue reading To Believe Is the Start (Romans 10:9)
Bible Verses to Stop You From Quitting
In a world where change is constant, it can be hard to stick with anything for very long. We are constantly being bombarded with new information, new opportunities, and new challenges. It’s no wonder that so many of us find ourselves at a crossroads, struggling to decide whether or not to keep going down the… Continue reading Bible Verses to Stop You From Quitting
None Separates Us in God’s Great Love
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor heavenly rulers, nor things that are present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 Today’s scripture is one… Continue reading None Separates Us in God’s Great Love
Conforming or Renewing? (Romans 12:2)
Do not be conformed to this present world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 Conforming and renewing. Two different paths, two different journey and two different outcome. In today’s reflection of… Continue reading Conforming or Renewing? (Romans 12:2)