Galatians 6:1-5 This message teaches us how we should treat people. Paul had truly experienced God’s amazing grace and forgiveness though he was the worst of all sinners, witnessing Stephen’s death and afterward persecuting followers of Jesus furiously. Now he is teaching us the way of the gospel: bear one another’s burdens. It is easy… Continue reading Bear one another’s burdens
Our Eternal Home Awaits Us (Poem)
When we have finished the work That God sent us to earth to be done; Our purpose fulfilled; The good race we’ve won. He’ll call us back home; Our real home in Heaven above. To our reward as believers; A place of joy, beauty and love. I know I’ve been there before In a time… Continue reading Our Eternal Home Awaits Us (Poem)
What Happened Before and After Creation? Genesis 1:2
Genesis 1 is profound. Although this chapter might seem to pertain only to the purely physical aspect of creation- the evident and visible world brought into existence by our Almighty Creator – it also contains deep wisdom and insight into the spiritual world. How were things before creation? The Bible expresses that the earth was formless,… Continue reading What Happened Before and After Creation? Genesis 1:2
The Spirit that Set Us Free
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 The power of the Holy Spirit, not only that empowers us to be bold in sharing the gospel and to lead people to the goodness of God, but also, it gives us the power to overcome… Continue reading The Spirit that Set Us Free
Prayer for Change
Dear heavenly Father, I know it’s time for a change. Give me the courage to keep going, for I am afraid to let go. I believe that when a door closes, another opens, for You are faithful. But I am assured that no matter what, there is one thing that never changes. -Jesus Christ who is the… Continue reading Prayer for Change
What Does The Bible Say About Serving Others?
We have desires to be used by God through big works and to offer many fruits to Him. Having this mind and giving ourselves over to the work, it’s easy for us to lose the heart of serving. Then, we miss something very important. Jesus showed us the image of humility and serving, which we must… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Serving Others?
Have you experienced trials and anxiety for your life’s future? Acts 27: 22-25
Keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God Acts 27: 22-25 Acts 27 is an epic adventure that Paul experienced in his life, detailed by Luke who was with him. Two hundred and seventy-six people on a huge ship ran into a life-threatening storm in the midst of the sea and eventually… Continue reading Have you experienced trials and anxiety for your life’s future? Acts 27: 22-25
Prayer for Finances
Dear Lord, In financially strapped times like now, I’m easily consumed with worry and fear. I am also tempted to grumble and complain, for my situation feels so stuffy. As difficult as it is, help me endure this test and keep me from wavering. I want to maintain a thankful and pure heart towards You.… Continue reading Prayer for Finances
Dealing with Loss: 9 Bible Verses To Ease Your Grief
No one is immune to the pain of loss. When someone you love dies, it feels as if your world has been turned upside down and a part of you has been ripped away. The pain can be overwhelming and it seems impossible to go on. You may feel lost, abandoned, and alone. During these… Continue reading Dealing with Loss: 9 Bible Verses To Ease Your Grief
Baptism of the Holy Spirit – What the Bible Says
The Bible tells us about baptism of water and baptism of holy spirit. How can we receive baptism of Holy Spirit? There was a time when I couldn’t find the solution for problems in my heart and the thirst in my soul. After many years of wondering, my soul became more thirsty and weary. Since… Continue reading Baptism of the Holy Spirit – What the Bible Says