Prayer and Fasting as service to God

Prayer and Fasting as service to God

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Luke 2 vs. 37

And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Luke 2:37 and then was a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left  the temple, but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.
  1. There are various ways you can serve God.
  2. One uncommon way of serving God is prayer and fasting
  3. The Bible mentions that prophetess Anna served God through fasting and prayer.
  4. You may be wondering how you can serve God through prayer and fasting.
  5. If you intercede for the salvation of anyone or the expansion of the kingdom of God, you are serving God.
  6. Perhaps you have been looking for a way to serve God and are unwilling to join the Choir, Usher, Bible teacher or cleaner. You can start intercessory prayer as a way of service to God.

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Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Prayer and Fasting as service to God.

By Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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