Almighty Father, we bless Your name for You are the God who guides Your people. We are in awe of the promise that even at night our hearts instructs us because of Your Spirit in us. When You test our faith, may this convince us that we are Your people and should be joyful. Remind us always that when our faith is tested, our endurance will also grow. And when it grows and fully developed, we are sure to become perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Generous Father, we need Your wisdom. We believe that if we only ask before Your throne, You will willingly give it to us. We trust that You will not rebuke us for asking. But help us to remember that when asking, we should put our faith only to You. Help us to become the people with unwavering loyalty so we would not be easily blown and tossed by the wind.
God, show us the right way and point out the road for us to follow. Lead us to Your truth and teach us, for You are the God who saves. All day long, we put our trust only to You. We cling to Your promise that You will direct us to the best pathway for our lives and You will continue to advise us and watch over us. For no one is like You. You are the God who reigns forever and ever, and You will guide us until the very end.
When Joshua was about to make the walls of Jericho fall, You were there giving him clear instruction and guidance. The victory was only experienced by Joshua after he obeyed You. So, Lord, lead us the way to obedience. Teach us also how to intentionally listen to Your words and even whispers. Help us to magnify You in our lives and see less of ourselves as we go along with our journey with You.
Lord, teach us to trust in You with all our hearts and not depend on our own understanding. Help us learn how to seek Your will in everything that we do, so You could show us the path to take. We ask for Your guidance as we do Your will for our lives. Show us the right path and direct us to the road You have prepared for Your people. Lead us also to Your truth and teach us, for You are the God who saves. Guide our steps by Your word so that we will not be overcome by evil.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.