Prayer for Grace and Peace

Our Father, full of grace and author of peace, we praise You for whatever we are now, we are certain that You have poured out Your special favor on us. We entrust that the message of Your grace is able to build us up and give us inheritance as we are set apart for Your glory. Gracious Lord, we declare that Your gift gives us power, endurance, freedom, hope, and peace.

We declare that the Lord our God is the sun and our shield, giving His people grace and glory. We continue to trust that You will not withhold any good thing for those who do the right thing. Just like Stephen, we desire to be equipped with Your grace and power so we could perform amazing miracles and signs among the people. Even though he is being attacked by the men from the Synagogue, Stephen’s wisdom and the Spirit You bestowed to him can never be overpowered. May it be that we strive to depend on Your grace, to live in holiness and sincerity in all our dealings.

God, we thank You for You are rich in kindness and grace that You purchased our freedom through the blood of Your son, Jesus Christ, and forgave our sins. Thank You for the promise that because of Your kindness, we are given the wisdom and understanding in dealing with our daily situations. Because we believed, Your grace has saved us, not a reward for the good things we did but a gift so we can’t take credit of. We praise You for Your greatness!

Almighty Father, you commanded us to not worry about anything, but to pray about everything. For when we do this, we believe the You are capable of letting us experience You so we can find peace. You promised us that this peace will guard our hearts and minds as we follow Jesus.

Jesus, Prince of Peace, Your government and its peace will never end. You have ruled with fairness and justice for all eternity. You have been pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins, beaten so we could be whole, and whipped so we could be healed. We have strayed and left God’s path to follow our own, yet You, Father, still gave Your son to save us and bring us to peace.

Holy Spirit, You produce fruits in our lives that include peace, we continue to ask your fill in our hearts. We pray that the source of hope will fill us completely with joy and peace because we trust in You. Then, we overflow for our brothers and sisters through Your power.

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