Prayer for Self-control over Hurtful Words

Dear Jesus, I have failed you many times when it comes to controlling the words that come from my mouth. I am easily carried away by my emotions when angry, hurt or disappointed. I am sorry that I react impulsively. I hurt other people with my words because I let my feelings control how I speak and act. I confess that there are days when I find comfort in letting my emotions take over me. And I admit that this is not right. I ask for Your forgiveness. 

I understand that I need to fill my heart with Your truth to honor You with my speech. I realize that not thinking first before saying anything is ungodly. It is not suitable for someone who claims to be a follower of God to be speaking ill of others. It is also not good when words are used to gossip. I am sorry for this. I am now repenting and asking for the Holy Spirit’s control in my life.

Lord, please cleanse my mouth. Remove my urge to react negatively in an instant because it is not very Christlike. Please help me not to say hurtful words that I do not mean to prevent hurting others. Help me not to say inappropriate comments just to get even with the person who stirred my anger. Do not let me be carried away with worldly activities. Remind me that practicing self-control will protect me in the long run. 

I am one of Your ambassadors, which means that I should model how You lived. The words that come from my mouth should be gracious and appropriate only. I pray that people will immediately recognize Your presence in my life from the moment I open my mouth to speak. Lord, I come before You because I want to glorify You with everything I do, especially with my words. 

Almighty God, I submit myself to You. I humble myself because it is only through You that I can change my wrong ways. Thank you for your desire for me to practice self-control by being a blessing with my words. Allow me to cultivate this fruit of the Spirit. I want to represent You well with my life. I praise and honor You. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

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