Prayer in Times of Disappointment

Our Father, we speak of Your holiness and divine presence. Hallelujah! You are worthy of all the praises we have to offer. No one can compare to Your greatness. God, may You pour down Your blessings on Your people. We need Your strength when we are weak and weary. By the power of Your name, we are lifted up. We admit that there are some days where we just feel down casted, and broken because of disappointing endeavors. Now, we humbly ask that You reach out to us.

God of armies, we are tested with storms of life’s disappointments, as well as those dispiriting actions from others. Help us to realize that You are faithful and eternal, Father. Allow us to experience the joy of Your presence because You assure us that this will pass. We call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Day and night, we can be at peace in Your tranquility. Hold us as we find assurance and safety within You. Give us clarity and calmness as we go through raging waters. We declare that Your gifts are perfect and it comes from above, the light of the world. Teach us how to be patient as You replace what is lost with greater opportunities. There may be pain in the night, but we believe that joy always comes in the morning.

Lord, we pray that you heal our broken hearts and crushed spirits of the disappointments we encounter daily. Give us the power to look beyond these undesirable experiences and remind us that everything happens for a reason. Remind us that you, Father, will make all things work together for our good. In Jesus’ mighty name, we declare that we will be patient and peaceful when disappointments surface for You Lord supply all our needs, according to Your riches in Glory. Amen.

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