Prayer to Heal a Relationship

Dear Lord, I offer You this prayer so You would know the current situation of my relationship. Please take away the pain and hurt that have been crippling for days. Replace it with love, patience, joy, and understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit. Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Teach our hearts how to love each other, and make us realize the worth we have in You. As you fill my heart with love and kindness, allow my partner to overflow with patience and understanding of my needs as well.

Father, I deeply believe that You have given me this person to love and to hold for the rest of my life. Your word has taught me that a three-fold cord is not easily broken, especially when You are in the midst of it. I am inviting to once again be with us, Lord, for only You can make two broken hearts whole again. You are the King of Peace and I know You are capable of turning my mourning into dancing. I know it is Your will that we should lead a loving and peaceful life with one another. Hear me, dear God, and bring the two of us to a relationship that You have restored.

I pray that You will make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that You may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Lead us not into temptations, and guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other’s heart and mind, and grant each of us the wisdom that we may know how to deal with any unwanted situation so we can build a home for Your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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