Prayer When Struggling to Make Wise Decisions

Father, I come to You today to praise and glorify You. I admit I am falling short of the person You designed me to be. Forgive me for forgetting that while You are an All-powerful God, You are also a great Rewarder and Redeemer. I am sorry that I constantly choose to break Your heart because I assume that I know better. Sometimes, I even try to manipulate You. I am sorry.

Forgive me, God, for the times I neglect Your guidance so I can make my own choices because I feel like that’s what’s going to make me happier. But I know now, Lord, that there will always be a consequence for every decision I make. So when I choose to make bad decisions, You will allow pain and obstacles to come into my life to help me learn my lesson. Forgive me also for taking Your grace for granted over and over.

Thank You for calling out my attention and for not giving up on me because here I am today, surrendering my desires so I can live a life that honors You. I come to You, Jesus, with a repentant heart. From now on, I choose to obey and please You. I surrender my life to You. Thank You that Your grace is greater than my mistakes.

Lord Jesus, help me fight for my faith when the enemy tempts me. Remind me that there is danger in immediate gratification. Remind me that your blessings are worth so much more than the pain of “now.” Because, Lord, You always know what’s best for me. Please remind me that I may not see the weight of my sins now, but it will affect my future with You. Please also remind me that I may not understand what You want me to go through, but You are always faithful in all ways.

I entrust my life to You, Father. Please continue to strengthen my love for You so I can live a life that is pleasing in Your eyes. I praise You, and I love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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