“Even when you are old, I will take care of you; even when you have gray hair, I will carry you. I made you, and I will support you; I will carry you and rescue you.”
Isaiah 46:4— NIV
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
Psalms 73:26— NIV
“The silver-haired head is a crown of splendor and glory; It is found in the way of righteousness.”
Proverbs 16:31— NIV
Dear Father, May I always remember that there is honor in growing old. I pray that I continue to welcome my silver hair as a representation of your splendor and glory. Though my body breaks and falls to pieces with the passage of time. I shout out praises to you because I know that you made me and will take care of me, carry and support me all the days of my life.
In Jesus’ Name,
Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts Inspire Me Monday @ Anita’s Inspire Me Monday @ Create With Joy Friendship Friday #MondayMusings Remember Me Monday #TellHisStory InstaEncouragements Let’s Have Coffee #AnythingGoesLinky Thankful Thursday Imparting Grace Grace & Truth Your The Star Encouraging Hearts & Home Hearth & Soul Sweet Tea & Friends Grammy’s Grid #PoCoLo
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Aging.